Hello dear redditors.

I (27m) am seeing this girl (32f) 1 or 2 times a week. we seldomly speak on instagram sending each other cat posts etc.

What I want is creating a slow but mind possessive solid simulation. I want her to think sex every time this girl sees me, or get horny. Is there a psychological trick for me to work on? Any experiment that has been done by you like this before?

  1. That’s not seduction. That’s abuse.

    First off work on yourself. Be it getting fit, learning a new skill (something practical not learning DnD), getting a tan sipping drinks on a tropical beach, learn to fight and to take some hits. Disappear from social media in this time. Come back when you are confident in yourself this should be months later. Be friendly but not really give a shit when you come back. Helps if you do it in real life too. Might not get this particular woman but it will likely make you more attractive. You also don’t really want to tell them too much about the new you let them discover things about you as you go. The mystery is part of what attracts them to you. From there date them, one at a time too don’t go dating one chick on Monday then taking another one out on Thursday. If the first one doesn’t workout then the next one might.

    Clean your house top to bottom. Not guy clean but chick clean. Make your bed every morning, if nothing else you come home to a nicely made bed every day. This is often a part of a chicks tests, you get points if she randomly wants to spend time with you and you end up taking her back home the house is clean smelling nice and your bed is made and tidy.

    The TLDR: make yourself the man a woman wants to be with the rest will work itself out.

  2. I think the word you want is “grooming” or manipulation? I’m sure you really like this person, why not be brave and ask them in plain English what they think of you and see where it goes. Or just Google Harvey Weinstien and take a look at what you wrote. Sorry

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