Iike the title says. How do i stop being camera shy? In the past ive neve really had any friends so ive never had this before. But the past year people want to take pictures with me and i feel extremely awkward in pictures. Both because i know im not the best looking. As wel as i do not know how to just react. So i always end up saying no to picures and regretting it later. Any tips on how to act, react or anything to do to overcome my fear of cameras?

  1. Practice your camera face in front of the mirror. Try summoning the face at will. After that, take a bunch of selfies in a public face (yes, people around judging you is part of the training 🙃). You will do much better in time.

  2. There’s some quote about living with the pain of failure or the pain of regret. The great thing about photos is even if it’s a fail it will probably end up a funny memory

    So just go for it. Most of us are not very good looking or photogenic. Focus more on sharing the moment than how the picture turns out

  3. People consider me fairly attractive, depending on how much care I take of my body etc…

    But it’s not like I have people chasing or dying over me. I learned to smile, that became my most valuable quality everyone compliments and at first it was completely fabricated, I would smile with only my upper teeth, gradually it became natural. Ever since, every person compliments it and it made me confident in taking pictures with people because I know I can call back on my smile and look good, feel confident.

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