(F) I’ve been seeing a guy for a month and a half, we met through insta and decided to meet up (he’s in my area) we hit it off so great, I stayed the night at his place on the first date. Every weekend or every other weekend we meet up and have little dates, drink wine, listen to music, and talk. I even lost my V card to him.. so all is well between us. I’ve expressed my interest towards him in many ways, and he expresses his as well. I’m just very curious about our status, I’m really shy to bring it up without feeling like I’m forcing a label on our relationship or forcing him to make a decision. I definitely want to discuss our status with him but I wouldn’t know how to start the conversation.

Any advice to start this conversation? All is appreciated!!

1 comment
  1. Just ask where he sees it going, does he want a relationship? My partner and I never had a label from day one, but we knew we were exclusive.

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