I’ve had oral plenty, but don’t cum from it. Feels good and all, but nothing.
Any pointers?

  1. Communication helps a lot. Sometimes it’s just a little thing that needs to change.

    If you partner does something you like, give it a moan or a word (is non audible or uncomfortable hold hands and squeeze partners hand).

    This way you can teach your partner what you like and might get closer to your dream.

    However not everyone can cum from oral.

  2. not everyone cums from oral and this is totally fine. 🙂

    meet your body where it’s at. stay open minded to things shifting. what i mean by that is , it’s not necessary to just assume you forever won’t be able to do this . try it once in a while and see where you’re at , try different techniques , different partners .. relaxation methods .. consider whether or not the cause is mental / emotional etc, maybe it’s hard for you to receive, could be any number of things really. try to not be hard on yourself about it .

    curiosity > judgement always.

  3. What’s your sex? Knowing that will possibly inform my answer. Also any relevant past experiences

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