I don’t know if this fits under “social skills” but it’s something I’m always struggling with. I’m 26 and never grew up with anyone younger, and I’m still the youngest in my extended family.

In the instances that I am around kids, they take a liking to me and I have no idea how to interact with them. I just get awkward until they find me boring, and move onto the next person.

How can I become more comfortable with young kids? My bf has a niece who’s 3 and I’m actually really nervous to meet her, because I want her to like me.

  1. It’s easy. You just go up to them, look surprised, smile and say: “what?”

    If they like you they answer and you keep just saying “what????” More and more dramatically

    If they just run away, it wasn’t meant to be.

  2. You basically just have to be their biggest fan. Let them take control and boss you around. Act like everything they do deserves the Nobel Peace Price or something. Go along with their crazy stories and add even weirder elements to it that will make them giggle.
    *Treat them like an adult* and they will be obsessed with you. Especially in that age range, kids are exploring autonomy and are constantly told no, so treat them like they know what they are doing and try to divert attention from the activity that is physically harmful instead of saying no. Let the kid tell you what they want to do instead of you picking the activities. Whenever the kid talks, repeat what they say and rephrase it into a ‘yes, and’ type of question to not only help with their speech, but show that you understand them and are interested in what they are doing.

    But most importantly, if a kid is not interested in you, do NOT force it. They hate that more than anything.

  3. Treat them like adults. Listen to them, hear them out, genuinely consider what they have to say. Basically show them respect the same way you’d show anyone else. They don’t get that a lot and they should. They’ll love you for it.

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