How do you mentally prepare yourself for a first date? Any tips you can offer an introvert?

  1. Don’t go in with the intent of impressing the other person. You’re going there to see if there’s a connection. Ask good questions, put thought into answers, and take your time getting to know them.

  2. What I always tell myself is that a conversation requires two people so I stress less about what I have to say and focus more on getting to know them.

  3. Usually when I walk into a place (e.g., Starbucks) where I’m expecting to meet a gal I loudly proclaim “It’s okay folks, I’m here.” That sets the mood.

  4. Similar to what other guys have said; you should go in with a clear head, open mind, and not put too much pressure on yourself. Remember that it takes two to tango, cliche though that might sound. The other person is evaluating you, and you’re evaluating them. Sometimes you’ll hit it off, sometimes you won’t. It’s really no big deal, so don’t sweat it.

  5. Pound off before you go. If your doing the diner and a movie, do the movie first so you have something to talk about.

  6. Relax, don’t dive too deep into the future with said date. Anxiety tends to kick in but just be your self and have fun.

  7. Focus on whether you like them, not about whether they like you. It will make you less anxious as you will not be wondering whether they like you. You won’t be thinking about policing your own actions.

    Focus on them.

  8. Pick something you like so you can enjoy yourself and if she doesn’t like it then you may not be a match.

  9. I’m introverted as well. I’m assuming you’ve already asked her out.

    1. Remember that she already said yes, so you don’t have to try and impress her, just find if she’s a good fit.

    2. You don’t have to drive the conversation or fill all the space/silence. Some of the best dialogues I’ve had have come from me falling silent and someone asking what’s on my mind.

    Good luck!

  10. Probably gonna be said a million times but go in with open minded. Your expectations should be mid to low. Think up maybe a few unique questions that could be telling of the others character. Do not over think things go with the intention of having a good date.

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