What is the point? Are we friends or not? We always text and we call sometimes and do homework together. Talk about life, talk about our days. We’re in the same school program so we relate a lot on things. But it is the strangest thing he acts like we’re not friends in school. Like of course he will say hi if i’m immediately in front of him or I speak to him. But other than that, it’s like he doesn’t even notice my presence. Always texting and calling me. But basically avoids me at school. Acts like we’re not friends. We even used to sit next to each other and he suspiciously moved his seat so he sits somewhere else now. But still calls and texts me regularly. If I didn’t know better, I’d think we were close friends. But when we get in school, it’s like I don’t even know him. When class is over, he usually leaves fast and seems like he has somewhere to be. He doesn’t treat me like a “close friend” even though we know a lot about each other. He treats me like an acquaintance and classmate. Is he embarrassed of me? Does he think I’ll turn it romantic? Because I won’t lol, I’m fine being friends. I just don’t know why he has to act so weird to me. Thoughts?

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