I’ve had a crush on this girl for basically all highschool and now we’re in the same college and we’ve grown to become nice friends and i decided to tell her to get some closure i wanted to take her to the movies with her friends and tell her there ,she refused to come so i was like fuck it i’m gonna tell her through text , i did it and explained to her how i always liked her and was to shy to tell she said she never noticed which i don’t believe and then she said : i don’t know what to say 😅
Which is basically a rejection right?
Now i am fine with that ,but why does she keep looking at me and smiling every time or today she came to my class and i noticed her and didn’t say anything and she said :” aren’t you gonna say hey to me “like she was making fun of me
I turned red ofcourse and made it awkward but why would she say that ?
Note: this is the first time i tell a girl i like her
My question is : why does she do that ?
Also: how can i stop being so shy around her like my mind goes blank

  1. She didn’t rejected you man, you gotta officially ask her for relationship ig or for starters you ask for an ice cream date or something.she wanna say yes but shy too i suppose

  2. Sounds like she values your friendship, you all have apparently been friends/known each other for awhile. So yeah, it would probably be upsetting/confusing to her if you stopped talking and being friends just bc she wasn’t interested in you romantically. She’s wanting things to still be normal between the two of you. Based on her response, yeah, she’s most likely not into you like that. Kind of an awkward way of going about things on your part tbh, but you’re young so that’s forgivable. Instead of confessing your feelings over text, just ask her out. Which, you can still do. Not with friends, just you and her. “Hey, would you want to get lunch/dinner/drinks on X day?” And then…. If she declines, tell her you understand, and that you value her as a friend/no hard feelings. Yeah, it sucks and not the result you wanted, but it’s mature and respectable. And then… Give it some time, maybe down the road you make another pitch and she agrees.

    Edit: and for the love of God if it wasn’t clear: If you do decide actually ask her out, you’re doing it in person and not through text. Please.

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