Once me and my nou ex girlfriend started talking seriously a while back she wanted to introduce me to her family. Me and the dad clicked immediately and he liked me very much and me him as well. He always said stuff like you are the only boyfriend that I ever liked and I can marry is daughter and all that kind of stuff.

In the beginning she said that she likes it that her dad likes me and its a good sign, but after a while she said that her dad is putting to much pressure on her to be in the relationship with me and that he is always standing up for me and never for her.

I wanted to talk everything out with her and the father together in a room, but she said it’s for the better that we don’t and now she is secretly dating a guy her father does not like.

Why would such a thing happen? Does she like dating somebody that her family does not approve of or what do you guys think about this?

  1. She only needs the family to approve, just enough.

    >he is always standing up for me and never for her.

    You know that shitty sibling who gets all the attention and you only get the scraps? That’s you. Daddy’s girl isn’t the jewel in his eye any more, and getting rid of the competition is as easy as a Dear John text.

  2. It sounds as though her parents, or her father at least, has an unhealthy desire to influence and control her relationships. This is not about you my friend, it’s mal adaptive parenting and is almost certainly going to cause her to act out.
    There is not much you can do, it’s something she will have to navigate herself, or with professional help.

  3. It sounds like she was not confident that you were the person she wanted to marry, and she wanted to make her own decision- not feel pressured into being with you because her father told her that’s what she should do. The problem isn’t that her dad liked you. The problem was the she wasn’t certain that she liked you as much as he did.

  4. She did not know if she likes you , so lets see if family likes you .

    Daddy likes you .

    Daddy supports you more then her .

    She gets jelly .

    You are easy to replace , cuz she did not want someone her family to like , she just eanted someone her family aknowledge he exists .

    I feel like if this step was done way later down the line it might have been different , but people make their decisions on current feelings .

  5. >she is secretly dating a guy her father does not like

    That is the good old rebellious tactic. Sorry for your loss, but she did you a massive favor. She is too immature to handle communication.

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