I(16F) and my girlfriend(16F) have been together for about three months now. For some reasons I’ve decided I want to break-up and know what I want to say. But, I don’t know how to do it. Obviously not over the phone, but I feel like getting together to hang out then ending things is rude. This is my first break-up and I’m worried about seeming cold or rude. My main worry is inviting her over or me going over and then us both being stuck in that situation till our parents drop us off or pick us up(neither one of us can drive yet).

TL;DR; How do I break up in person without being rude?

  1. There’s no non-rude way to do this.

    But tell her you need to see her, make sure it’s clear you’ve got somewhere to be afterwards (to preclude an endless drawn out don’t-leave-me scene). Make sure the place is neutral without a lot of people to see: a park is usually good.

  2. Would one of your parents or a friend be willing to be on call to pick you up? Maybe stay in the area, go for a walk or read a book? The kindest thing would be to do it at her place, so that she doesn’t have to worry about getting home while upset. She’s already somewhere she’s comfortable.

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