Strange title I know but it’s the only way I can think to phrase it. I (26f) have been seeing someone (41m) for about 6 months. He’s been talking to me about purchasing a home and I’m very supportive of this because that’s such a huge accomplishment and he should be proud. That being said I had asked him a few weeks ago “if you could buy a house right now, what kid would you get? Ranch? 2 story?” And he started talking about *our* house, and *we* will have. At first I thought he meant him and his kids until he said he wanted to put a specific modification in the bathroom for me specifically because of an existing injury I have. I let it ride and mentioned it on Friday about how he said our house and we will have, how he was using very specific language. He had said he didn’t realize and see how I could have interpreted it “that way.” I said I didn’t interpret it any way, it’s literally what he said. I again let it go because again it’s only been 6 months and I don’t particularly think it’s a big deal at the moment. But then I began thinking about it because earlier on that same day I had showed him a house that had why he asked for. He didn’t like it but made a comment about how it had something that I mentioned I had liked in it.
So now I’m just very confused even after asking for clarification from him. I’m not sure if he really doesn’t know what he’s saying, or if he got nervous and is back tracking. How would you guys interpret this?

TL;DR- boyfriend started using specific language about us, our, and we regarding a home then backtracked when asked for clarification.

1 comment
  1. How did you mention it on Friday? Were you teasing him or something? Did you bring it up in a way that made him want to deny what he actually said?

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