To start, I am fully aware of the stigmas, warnings, and issues related to approaching women at the gym. I initially saw this gorgeous chick at the gym but never thought much of it, I wanted to just focus on the gym and nothing else.

But over the past couple weeks/months Ive been noticing this same girl stealing like…heavy looks and hovering around me at the gym, but I have been very apprehensive to approach because I dont want to make her feel awkward if Ive misinterpreted. Ive tried to kind of catch her watching me to at least smile back and get a little “whats up?” or something in there but she cannot seem to hold eye contact at alllll she just does some little shifty eye thing where she darts her eyes around the gym.

I got pretty bored of the situation so I figured id just toss my hat in; I approached her last week with just small little gym related talk but the convo was very short (im not great at small talk, let alone gym related small talk obvs lol). So that day after the convo, we kinda went our separate ways at the gym and I went to the front desk to sort some stuff out. I noticed that she was leaving and I popped a “see ya later” at her. She didnt reply but I could see she had a huge grin on her face and kinda side eyed me, but she didnt say anything back lmao

So uhhh…im not sure if I should just drop this, if I was too aggressive, and/or if i should continue and see where this goes. Im kinda at the point in my life where I dont have time for bullshit so if we are gonna make something happen, then lets cut to the chase. I know that this may be off putting to some people and will stress them out if im direct, so yeah. Any ideas or advice on what to do would be nice.

  1. She sounds shy! Men and women often have exactly the same struggles when it comes to finding someone attractive in public but not knowing how to go about bridging the attraction with an actual conversation. Until you’re certain she’s actually interested in you, it’s always safe to assume that you may be reading into something that isn’t actually there, but either way you’re gonna have to take baby steps towards finding out.
    I’d suggest doing something non-aggressive and outright friendly rather than flirtatious: if she’s using a machine you can always politely approach her to ask how many sets she had left (sure, maybe you’re not interested in actually using the machine but how else are you gonna get the ball rolling in a natural way?). Maybe think of a genuinely kind compliment: if she has tattoos that’s always an easy thing to compliment without coming across as overtly physically attracted to her.
    However if you’re straight up confident enough to risk potential rejection (it happens to the best of us, no biggie!) then you can approach her with a “Hey, I’m sorry to bother you. I just wanted to tell you that I find you really beautiful.” Women surprisingly don’t really receive many authentic compliments from men that aren’t overly sexualized/come on too strong or aggressive, so receiving a compliment like that from someone you’re ~sort of~ familiar with (you aren’t complete strangers because you’ve noticed one another multiple times before over the course of several months) can be extremely flattering and could really open up an opportunity to establish a connection.

    This is also coming from a shy/awkward girl, so I’m rooting for you! 👍🏼😁

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