24, with no real idea of what I wanna do. Just looking for options.

  1. UK has a desperate shortage in skilled trades and lorry drivers. I wouldn’t recommend lorry driver unless you love working on your own and driving around. Also the agencies treat lorry drivers like dirt.

    Skills that pay decent would be electrician and plumbing. Mechanic is definitely up there once you build the experience and have the cash and business know how to start your own thing, you can make thousands in a month.

    Your local college probably do trade courses. Some might be totally free because of government funding and many courses you can pay in installments.

  2. I have a few old school friends that joined the merchant navy (Cargo ships).
    They have earned very good money. Can be a little boring on a voyage tho so they tell me.
    IIRC they part-worked and part-studied at a college in Hartlepool. And were full time working in a year or 2.
    Dont know where you live but this might be an option for you. You just need to be fit(ish)… can swim… and not a moron.

  3. Army, RN, RAF. Police, ambulance or fire services. The intelligence services, particularly if you are multilingual. Some weird branches of the Civil Service that hardly anyone knows about, like the MMO (in England and Wales) or something. The Coastguard used to be fun, but I hear it’s crap now (your mileage may vary).

    Pick something cool. All the really fun jobs will train you from scratch. I just bounce from one fun job to another every few years. Keeps things fresh.

  4. I can only speak for my own industry but accounting is a very safe job long term and has very simple routes of promotion, generally people go from new trainee to manager in around 6 years and can easily earn £60k+ in that time

    We’re always hiring and right now there is a shortage of people

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