So there’s this new kid at my school and on his first day I approached him just trying to be nice and make him feel welcome. Since then we’ve been talking and I realized that I don’t really enjoy talking to him or hanging around him. He’s not a bad person or anything, i just don’t really have fun talking to him. We don’t have much in common, we have different senses of humor, it just feels awkward talking to him.

At first I was fine and figured that he would eventually make other friends and we could go our separate ways, but it’s been a month now and he still pretty much only hangs around me. He follows me everywhere, and now he’s trying to integrate himself into my friend group. I think I might be his only friend rn.

Ive tried to drop hints before. Not making a lot of eye contact, not being enthusiastic, subtly avoiding him, making excuses to leave convos, trying to talk to other people, etc. But he still always just follows me around all the time and talks to me all the time. Ive even tried Introducing him to more people.

I feel really bad because he’s a nice kid and I don’t wanna be mean, but I just do not enjoy being around him. I feel like it would be better for both of us if we parted ways and he met people who he could vibe with more. I just don’t know how to make that happen without hurting his feelings or seeming like an asshole.

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