She doesn’t know my age since this is online. She has never even seen my face. So how on earth would she be attracted to me, right? I ask myself that too but the reason why I’m asking here is because I’m seeing some signs I’m confused about.

Some context:

She is a TikToker who regularly livestreams and it is always the same people who join her livestreans. I join them too because it feels like hanging out with your friends. I have been joining for a few months now.

I have started seeing some possible signs of attraction that I’m not sure are signs. One of the first signs was that after I somehow managed to make her laugh consistently, one day she says something along the lines of: “If you are a funny guy, you are soo attractive”. Right after that I respond to someone else in the chat and make a joke that unintentionally made her laugh really hard. Everyone there said: “wow you must be feeling amazing”.

Another thing I remember is that she never talked about her type but after me revealing I had curly hair, she started saying to people that her type was tall, curly men. Thankfully, I don’t think she knows I’m short haha.

This is a really weird one. I offered to make her a painting with her name in Arabic letters and send it to her. She said she can’t take the deliveries and that was that. The next day I hear her saying that she painted for the first time in her life.

After revealing to her that I’m from Germany she started randomly saying German words and sentences in her livestreams.

Admittedly, I am not very serious online most of the time and I can get flirty with anyone, even guys despite being straight haha.
So there was this one time where I kind of flirted with someone in the TikToker’s livestream and she got extremely flirty back. She started declaring our relationship and stuff. The TikToker went a bit quiet and seemed a bit annoyed (maybe even jealous? I’m not sure). After I asked the woman and she implied she wasn’t serious, the TikToker started laughing and talking again.

After that happened I noticed how she started talking about fake boyfriends and how she found the love of her life. The other people in the livestreams noticed that she tries to make everyone jealous too.

Now I’m wondering if she has me among the people she has in mind to make jealous. Is she even attracted to me or am I completely confused?

TL;DR: A TikToker who regularly livestreams has said and done some things that confused me. I’m wondering if these are signs of attraction. She seems like she is describing me with the criteria for her “type” and she starts doing and saying the things I reveal about myself. Is she attracted? Also she started talking about her fake boyfriends recently and she makes everyone in her livestream jealous. Could it be that she has me among the people she does that for?

1 comment
  1. With all due respect dude, what?

    You do not have a relationship with this person. While I do not know the whole story, IMO you are anonymous person #X to this streamer.

    Clearly this is causing some sort of stress in your life, I’d say bail on what ever this is and don’t look back.

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