18 M here. I feel like I’m a boring person. I don’t act like my age, but not in a cool way.

I just don’t fit in with other teenagers. They’re all into more popular, normal things. I’m not passionate about the things I like, which makes it even worse.

What do I do? Will I just change if I talk to more people?

  1. It’s tough for young dudes now-a-days…, most have been raised by single moms, or in families where the mom wore the pants…, then educated in female run schools, and taught that their maleness is bad…, that testosterone is harmful…, no aggression…,

    If you were my son I would suggest riding and working on motor cycles…, or driving and working on bad ass V8 muscle cars…, no the new junk.., like a vintage car.., or go hiking…, learn to make fire…, trust me, it’s not easy to do with sticks but when you do learn it you feel amazing. Try other things you haven’t yet tried…, try everything…, try banging on a drum set or learning a great riff on guitar…, try painting in oils…, try flying kites…, try a unicycle…, try Toastmasters (this is a group where you meet and then you have to stand up in front of the hole group and make presentations .., hint…, humor helps in this)…, try magic, try stand up comedy…, get off the computer…, stop gaming (ok…,not completely, I couldn’t even do that.

    Come on guy…, shake off the cobwebs and go do life…,

  2. From a former I-dont-fit-with-others teenager like you, I’d recommend first to stop beating yourself up over trying to fit in what others are doing or what may seem ‘normal’.

    Realize that you are transitioning from a period of your life (high school) where it’s basically about fitting-in and/or feeling rather insecure to taking the reins of your own life. With that in mind, you could choose to see this as an opportunity to build upon yourself or reinvent yourself accordingly, while reflecting about your own uniqueness and why that is important.

    While you likely have a lot in common with the people around you (age, likes, etc), you’re definitely one-of-a-kind. Being unique can be an asset, but you’ve got to realize that we are all eating from the same shit sandwich, trying to figure ourselves out as we go. Broaden your horizons by trying new and interesting things, and stop giving yourself excuses over why you shouldn’t even attempt to try.

    On your death bed, looking back, will you be more satisfied from having done your own thing, or having blended into the crowd like everyone else, think about it. Best of luck!

  3. OP, 9 hours ago you posted elsewhere that you’re “in my early 20s”. So, which is it?

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