So, I know my best friend since 2019 and I love her since I knew her.

She fell in love with me in early 2020, we’ve been together for something like a month but we had to close our relationship because she had to transfer in Belgium (I live in Italy) because of the university. I was so destroyed emotionally, so we decided to don’t talk each other for a while.

In December 2022 I knew this girl, I really like her but I still think about my best friend. In January 2023 my best friend came back to talk to me, we’re again best friends and I still can’t forget her.

What can I do? Who should I choose between them? Should I tell to my best friend that I still love her?

TLDR: I’m still in love with my best friend after 4 years (we’ve been together before she transferred in another country), but I met this girl and I like her. What should I do?

  1. So your ex … You’re talking about your ex here… Who lives in a whole different country…? Who you haven’t spoken to in years??

    Seems like an easy choice here friend.

  2. Let’s say the reason you broke up is because of the distance.

    when you say she came back to talk to you, it sounds like she is still where she is, just that you’re chatting together again. so the reasons for splitting are still the same.

    4 years is also a long enough time, especially between the ages of 14-19, that a person may have changed a lot. She might not be the person you were in love with before.

    In other words, no strong reason to tell her, but there are strong reasons to focus on someone else that is nearby to you. However, it might not be this girl either because you’re still too hooked on your ex. You won’t be giving this new girl a fair chance at a relationship.

    Wait until you’re able to see the possibility of liking other people and enjoying their company without comparing them to your ex.

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