I have a friend who thinks they’re not good looking and I disagree but I don’t know how to express that to them.

  1. “Don’t worry baby, you are always beautiful and especially with my dick in your mouth”

  2. Honestly just compliment them and ignore their response. I’m pretty hard on myself and my partner just ignore my bs when I argue that I’m ugly. The compliment still help 👌

  3. Confidence comes from within. If a person doesn’t like what they see in the mirror, no amount of compliments is going to sway them. But compliment them anyways. You never know when a person is needing one.

  4. If it’s a woman, unless I’d bang them I’d say nothing, I’m not going to be disingenuous, I don’t appreciate when people do that to me

    If it’s a guy, I might compliment him if I can see something I think would genuinely help him if he could see. Otherwise not much I can do for them

  5. Speaking as a man who has never seen himself as anything but repulsive, there isn’t much if anything you can say, but It also depends, like in my case it boils down to how much I hate myself (I was raised to) but if it’s just mild insecurities then occasional reassurance might help.

  6. Have they explained to you why they feel that way? It is difficult to help someone if you don’t know where they are coming from and why. I am insecure about my looks but it turns out my reasoning is most likely wrong based on what I have recently learned about myself.

  7. Compliment accomplishments, or things that they achieve/do. Compliments for things we can’t control often fall flat.

  8. You might try complimenting specific things that make them look good. Then it doesn’t just sound like a platitude.

  9. I think they really have to figure it out themselves. Selfies distort your face because you’re so close to the camera, and people generally don’t know how to pose for photos. Even little things. If you choose not to smile, your lips (on your mouth) naturally parted, like a mouth-breather, looks better than lips together.

  10. I know it’s 2023 and everything, but it would actually be helpful to know the gender of the people involved to get a better idea of what would be appropriate.

  11. Don’t focus on the personal looks specifically. Pick out a nice pair of shoes to compliment or an outfit that’s flattering. Maybe there’s a color that suits them or a way of wearing their hair that’s better and you can reinforce those.

  12. Make a Reddit post of them asking people make alts and comment nice things then show them. I know it sounds bad but if they need a confidence boost this can help. Unless they don’t look good and genuinely need to work on themselves doing this can make them want to change nothing.

  13. Chill lady gaga said you were born this way (credit to my older brother on the lady gaga part)

  14. “You don’t look ugly you dumb fuck you are probably the most bad ass dude I’ve ever seen” told this to one of my friends

  15. I’m not good with this stuff, I just tell them they look good, and to just go and do stuff

  16. I mean, small compliments go farther then big ones. Compliment their eye color or shape. Or just how pretty their eyes are. Their hair is really nice. Shit like that. As someone who literally sees himself as 4/10 these mean more.

  17. That’ll depend whether or not she is unattractive or not. Generally I think that part of being friends means that they can tell you straight what they honestly think without running the risk of being misunderstood in their intention. They want to deliver information, it is not the primary intention to. That makes honest heart-to-heart conversations with friends valuable. And operating in reality ultimately will be better than running around completely delusional.

    With all those fancy words being said: I’d be honest.

  18. If i know how to fix it (overweight, bad clothes, bad haircut) i’d give me best advice.

    If it’s something she was born with- don’t think about it cause you can’t change it. Focus on things you can change/ improve.

  19. That there is plenty of other things they can be insecure about, and they should focus on those.

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