Men of reddit, how do I slam a guy who is 2x my size?

  1. You start by shouting “Geronimooo!!!” and then slam them with full power without thinking about consequences.

  2. Learn how to properly fight. If you don’t, there is not much you can do. But martial arts is probably the only way to «slam him» without a weapon.

    Edit: You shouldn’t really «slam» anyone tbh. You will learn that if you get into martial arts at some point. But you’ll learn self defence. And that huge dude will probably loose if you know what you’re doing

  3. It all depends on the technique. Most of the people don’t know how to fight. They have terrible stance and they don’t know how to have their guard up. Anyone who did martial arts or boxing will know that. Go to a boxing club or learn martial arts, like wing tsun for example. It’s good for your health and it’s good to know how to defend yourself. But don’t go there just to learn how to fight. You shouldn’t be fighting in the first place. Always go for dialogue and understanding. Fighting is the last resort.

  4. Watch a bunch of videos of punters trying to make a tackle and reconsider your choice.

  5. I’d say boxing is the best self defense MMA. However, this guy is 2X your size. If you can avoid it run away. If you can’t, you’re gonna have to break some eggs.

  6. Depends on twice your size.

    If you know how to fight (and I mean really fight) and he‘s just a bodybuilder- should be no problem.

    If he knows how too- no chance.

    If push comes to pull, fight as dirty as you can.

    Nuts, solar plexus, throat, eyes.
    But only in self defence situation where you absolutely have to.

  7. If you want to slam someone bigger than you on the ground… you need lots of Judo or Wrestling

    But more than realistically…. you won’t be able to slam someone who is that much bigger than you.

  8. Do you have any rules of engagement? You want dude to suffer or just to defend yourself?
    Twice your size in height of more in equatorial diameters? And what’s your age?

  9. Study hard, become his boss. Give him the most back breaking, soul sucking labor you can. All this while taking care of yourself. Make sure he misses every important family event so his family leaves him. Then marry his wife and adopt his kids causing him to end up alone and truly broken mentally and physically. Then on this day you will have your revenge it’s finally time to slam.

  10. You don’t. If you’d ever been in a real fight, you wouldn’t be eager to have another one.

  11. You bend him over or throw his ankles over his head, or casually from the side of you’re a little tired.

  12. Start with a kick to the balls and/or a take down from the knees to the ground, try to stay up and kick the fuck out of his balls. Jui-justu training is recommended as it’s one of the few martial arts that can really be effective in street fights

  13. The neat part is – you don’t even if you can- at least not with that intention- join A BJJ gym to train your body and awareness but a fight is a terrible goal.

  14. Why would you want to do that? The fact that you’re asking means this ain’t for a judo class, otherwise.. well.. get a new teacher; and the fact that this is premeditated means you can either walk away, avoid the person, or get an authoritarian figure involved.

    I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’re just asking for trouble. 🤷‍♂️

  15. Find a good judo dojo. Train 2-3 times a week minimum for approximately 7-10 years. A couple of runs or weight sessions weekly will help to build strength and endurance also. After that you’ll probably have a black belt and roll your eyes when someone asks a stupid question like “ how do I slam a man who is 2x my size”.

  16. As someone who practices martial arts I’d warn you against initiating violence. Just by the way you word your question shows you have no clue about what you are getting yourself into. Like Mike Tyson said “Everyone has a plan until they are punched in the face.”

  17. I’m gonna go ahead and advise against this.

    In the vast majority of fights, the heavier combatant wins. This is why they have weight classes in combat sports. In BJJ, there’s even a formula; a 20lb weight difference is equal to one belt level of skill. This means that a 100lb weight advantage to your opponent is essentially insurmountable. There are obviously exceptions, but this is true in almost every case.

    Someone that is twice your size… Unless you’re large and muscular, and he’s fat ass all hell, I think you’ll have a bad day.

  18. Finger gouges to the eyes, punch to the throat, knee to the groin. If he’s still standing at that point, then as he’s bent over in pain kick him square in the face.

  19. If you wanna slam him in a classic way like german suplex you gotta learn wrestling, but you gotta be really strong and experienced to suplex some gorilla

  20. Football slam.

    Run, aim your shoulder toward the hips, when you hit grab behind the knee with your hand and pull toward you.

    Dont do it on hard surface.

  21. Most likely he’s gonna try to man handle you after he sizes you up. Use that against him. Just because he’s 2x bigger doesn’t mean he’s 2x stronger. I’ve seen smaller guys make quick work of bigger dudes

  22. With words, “You’re so weak that you have to resort to getting physical instead of using your words.” Then walk away calmly, and don’t respond if they throw shit at you.

  23. Going forward you will hook the back of guys foot with your heel, then push forward and land on top of him as he falls in his back.

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