Question that came up today after a day of exploring a completely empty college. I’m adamant that people do go on their school roofs, despite never having seen a student on the roof. Mates are more logical and saying obviously No One ever does. So I’m curious, have you ever been on your schools roof?

  1. We used to regularly climb onto the roof of the local primary school when I was a young rouge. Scored a brand spanking SA World Cup football going up there.

  2. Not as a student, but I have as a teacher. My department was all seriously hungover one staff training day on the day before the summer hols, so we went out on the roof and sunbathed all day. Ordered a Domino’s and ate that on the roof too.

  3. As a teacher, yes.

    A photographer wanted to set up a time lapse of the new school being built, and our building was going to stay so the roof was an option. She was too scared and the janitor did not fancy going up the step ladder then through the hatch. After the hatch I still had to climb up the sloping roof to see over the top. I don’t like heights, but it was a great experience.

    I only peeped over the top at the view, maybe I took a picture for the photographer.

  4. Yes, we did. Almost everyone went up there at the end of sixth form, and a few had gone onto other roofs to retrieve footballs etc.

  5. Yes, we used to climb out of the music room window to smoke on the roof. It was a nice hidden spot and only single story in that bit so perfect for a smoke.

  6. At school yes, to retrieve footballs and tennis balls

    After school, yes. To get stoned

  7. Yes, secondary had oodles of roofs and as a boarding school it was great having one big flat roof to sunbathe on in summer, and various odd rooftop balconies. I had a private one out the back of my wardrobe in 6th form – bliss!

  8. >I’m *adamant* that people do go on their school roofs, despite never having seen a student on the roof.

    Maybe they’re all Goody Two Shoes?

  9. Not me, but I remember someone students used to try to climb the portable classroom roofs at lunch time.

    I remember one lad he climbed out the portable classroom window and walked back into the classroom like it was fine, he got himself a three day exclusion as what made it worst after being told he getting an exclusion he gave the teacher the middle finger

  10. Sort of. Not right on top, but, unofficially, on the roofs of some little bay windows on the third floor that were accessible from the windows of the 6th form common room.

    ANd officially on the roof of the changing rooms as part of a play (so we could be seen as passing feet through the window above the stage)

  11. I remember the whole class throwing stuff off the roof during a science lesson

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