I’ll try to keep this brief and organised

BACKGROUND INFO: My cousin (F30 something) is an audiologist (ear doctor) and she has a three year old daughter. I(15M) have (diagnosed) hyperacusis, a hearing disorder that causes extreme pain and sensitivity to noise. There is a subreddit about it if you want to learn more.

I saw her over the holiday break (late December) and we talked a lot about my condition. I felt more understood than I have in the rest of my life. She was telling me about a device for it and that she’d text me with information about it. Hyperacusis is an *incredibly* rare disorder and most audiologists know very little about it, so I was very excited to learn about this. About a week after I saw her, her dog died. She texted me to say she was sorry she hadn’t gotten the info to me yet, but that she would soon. This was mid January. It is now March. I know she is very busy, but I need her help. How do I politely reach out to ask for the info? Or is it still too early?

  1. Just send her a message! I’m sure life just caught up with her and she forgot. People usually aren’t as scary to approach as we think they are. Best of luck!

  2. Just reach out to her. She is literally your family and would gladly help out..

    Sometimes during the holidays, things get busy and stressful. Surely she would have helped out by now if she remembered, just remind her and she will help out

  3. “Hey Cousin, thinking of you and wanted to check in! How’s your day?” would likely get the ball rolling, if you need suggestions.

  4. So. Here’s a trick I use. Reach out and don’t bring it up. At least the next time you contact her.

    It makes you seem more than just needy, and sometimes your contact is enough of a reminder.

    Do that two times, a week apart, and if she doesn’t get the info, just reach out again and ask for the info.

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