(*Some context if you wanna read… We met online, like a little over a week ago, hit it off instantly. It’s a kind of match where it feels like we share the same brain, numerous times we have had the same thought and we’d speak about it at the exact same time. It makes for some funny situations. I’ve honestly never gotten into a relationship with someone this fast, we met less than two weeks ago, but we both agreed it felt like a match and it seemed silly to wait. Most of our conversations are in a call, like around 4hrs? We text periodically throughout the day, usually a casual convo or plan to call or play video games together, we don’t text nonstop which is more than okay for me. Gives me time to live my life, I’m used to needy girls who expect you to stare at your phone all day and text every 5 minutes.*)

I don’t want to come off as needy, I know I can be. I am excited and I want to learn fast, I love information, especially about the person I’m dating. Im so curious but I don’t want to her to feel like I’m interrogating her either. I’ve made mistakes in my past relationships with overwhelming people and I’m really trying to be better.

She won’t reply for hours sometimes, which is fine, but if I wanna ask her something or ask to hang out I feel like I can’t because she hasn’t replied and might be busy. She said she is terrible at texting and that’s why her replies aren’t very fast, but still I don’t wanna spam her or come off as needy. So I’m not really sure how to go about that, I guess just wait until she replies?

She has multiple guy friends, which she plays games online, it’s not really a shock. One of them is IRL and I don’t know if I should worry about it or try being friends with her friends. I am friends with girls, I always have, so I don’t really have the right to be jealous. I just wanna know though at the same time how they’d think if they knew I was her BF, so I’d like to know how to go about it without coming off as jealous to her or her friends.

1 comment
  1. I’ve been there, being really into someone but getting a bit too obsessed. My advice would be: remind yourself that these are *you* problems, and have nothing to do with her so you shouldn’t make it her problem. You said it yourself: it’s perfectly normal not to reply for hours, it’s perfectly normal to have friends of the opposite gender.

    Always begin by reminding yourself that this is okay, and then work to find ways to make yourself okay with it. Meet her friends, maybe take a bit more time to respond occasionally so you see that it’s perfectly normal. Just remember, she’s not doing *anything* wrong from what you described, even if you personally do things differently. This is something for *you* to work on, not her, and not together.

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