UPDATE: thanks for the feedback everyone. I think I’m more concerned with my lack of a romantic relationship and being awkward around that vs the actual sex part. If anyone has anything to add on that, feel free to let me know.

Hey everyone,

So, I’m (32F) a late bloomer. Started having sex when I was 30 with an FWB. We hooked up for almost a year, but have decided to move on and not hook up anymore.

So, my question is, how should I disclose to my next partners that, although I have some experience, I’m still kinda new to sex and very new to having more than one consistent partner? I have hooked up with two more people since FWB and I broke it off, and I was pretty open with the first new partner about my past, but haven’t told the second guy… and I kinda want to but it feels weird to me. Idk… is it even relevant at this point? For context, we’re keeping it casual for now.

What would you want your partner to tell you if they are less experienced than you expect they might be at 32? Is this helpful info or unnecessary? I’m pretty open to share and not ashamed or anything, just wondering if this is something you’d want to know or not.


  1. You do have experiences now – you’re not a virgin anymore.

    And yet it is not too many people – many guys will be pleased to hear that. It doesn’t matter which occasion you decide to disclose this in.

  2. I don’t think you have to go into any detail and also it’s not that uncommon. I was in a long-term relationship from age 17-27, so I also had only one partner

  3. Any guy would expect you to have a past at this age but say you haven’t had much experience. I would leave it at that until you know whether your new guy is comfortable talking about it.

  4. I don’t see it as a competition of who’s done most or with more people. To me the most important thing is that you know what you like or are willing to experiment and be open to find out. Personally I’m quite happy with people telling me what experience they have but that’s perky out of interest and because I’m a perv lol x

  5. I don’t ask about a woman’s past, and most men in general don’t, unless they have a kink for hearing about it. So unless you’re offering that information unsolicited, you don’t have to say anything.

  6. You explained it pretty well here. Maybe say the same thing. It’s not meant to be if they have a problem with your past.

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