Basically what the title says!

My husband(m24) and I(f23) have been married for 6 months and we are both newbies. I give him oral often and finally feel ready for the favor to be returned but I don’t know how to go about asking. Also, any prep tips would be much appreciated as I seriously know nothing and neither does he 😂

  1. Try a more playful approach and tell him that you want to play a game where his challenge is to get you as wet and aroused as possible. The rules: He has immediate access to every inch of your bod, but may use only [his hands and mouth to touch you](
    Encourage him to linger at your favorite hot spots by being vocal when he’s rubbing you the right way. Once he sees the results of his efforts (a horny-as-hell wife), in future he would be the one to suggest frequently.

    **On prep tips**

    Please know that your genitals are beautiful just the way they are. Seriously.

    If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can always try wiping down with an unscented baby wipe beforehand (but again, this isn’t necessary; you taste just great!).

    I’d also suggest gently requesting that he stop asking the dreaded “what do you want me to do?” question. I don’t think there’s any other question more universally despised during sex! Tell him, “when you ask me that question, it just sends me up in my head and makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong.”

    Suggest trying the A/B testing method together, or come up with sneaky ways to let him know that he’s on the right track (for example, you’ll pull his hair when you want more pressure, or you’ll stroke his shoulder when you want him to go slower).

    As for you, once you have asked and the the ball is in play then your job is to relax and enjoy. Allowing yourself to enjoy it will actually boost his ego and confidence.

    Look at it this way, if your husband doesn’t know much about giving oral – how would he feel to see you writhing, breathing heavily, groaning, and possibly cum [under the spell of his tongue](

    He would go bananas for sure!

  2. If he hasn’t ask to go down on you, he probably doesn’t know what to do… you’ll need to guide him.

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