I hope this is the right place to talk about it. I’m 24 years old and 6 years into a relationship, I have OCD and depression and it’s been a long journey, I’m currently taking 200mg of Desvenphalexin and in the past I took a drug called clomipramine but I don’t remember the milligrams, since I started taking these medications I have no sexual desire and nowadays I feel it is much worse
I even stopped taking contraceptives to see if I felt a difference, but it didn’t change at all
I would like to know any opinion regarding this and any recommendation please

  1. This is a very common side effect for anti-depression medicines… and also a side effect of depression.

    I don’t have a recommendation and I wouldn’t trust one from a redditor. You should discuss this with your providers.

  2. Talk to your doctor. Hopefully, she/he knows how long these drugs can have a negative impact on sex. Or use Google to see if there is something online that is reliable to answer this question.

  3. I take st johns wart… it is natural and produces seratonin, so it kind of works like a natural anti depressant – for me atleast. I am not trying to give medical advice, please dont come for me lol. Just here to say i take that, it helps, and doesn’t mess with sex drive. & that maybe it is something you could ask your doctor what they think about it? you can’t take it with anti depressants though.

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