We’re in our mid 20s
I with my wife for about a month now are going to couples therapy. I still don’t feel comfortable talking about it so I keep it a secret.
Now to the story. On Monday I went out to grab a drink with my coworker. We used to be very close (almost best friends) until a year ago due to some issues. We started talking and he said that he’s been going to therapy for a while now and from the conversation I understood that we’re going to the same clinic. When he asked about me and if I was doing so therapy I was honest and said that I’m going couples therapy. Here’s where I might have been the asshole. When he asked where I said some clinic downtown. Technically that was not a lie. I just didn’t say the name.
So yesterday when I and my wife came to the clinic we ran in to my coworker as he was leaving. We made some small talk and went on our ways.
When I messaged him today to hang out later he started berating me for lying about going to the same clinic and not telling him.
I understand that this might have hurt him but I feel like I told him more than anyone at this point and that i don’t have to tell everything that is going on in my life.

Tl;dr I didn’t tell my coworker to what therapy clinic I was going

  1. You’re good, I get the vibe that he was trying to do some “therapy bonding” and that’s way too much between coworkers. You put the boundary in the right place.

  2. It’s understandable that you didn’t want to disclose the specific clinic, but it’s important to be honest with your friend. Maybe try talking to him and explaining why you were hesitant to share that information.

  3. Your co-worker is being unreasonable (and highly intrusive and rude) to think he has a right to be informed of anything regarding your health, be it physical, emotional or mental.

  4. I’m sorry, but I don’t see a problem with that, you have privacy as well as your wife, which would change if you appear to him.

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