Like if my bf were to, say, put his whole hand inside me, does that make my pussy less tight over time?

I’m worried please help.

  1. No. The vagina is the muscle. Is doesn’t get loose just because it stretches. You arm doesnt get loose after lifting weights and stretching. You mouth doesn’t get stretched out from talking. The vagina is the same way. Getting stretched out it is a complete myth.

    That being said, make sure he isn’t causing pain. Like your arm muscle if he tears or rips something, you can cause scar tissue and damage. But if its fun and comfortable, you’re all good

  2. I dated someone that was fisted pretty regularly in her previous relationship. Had she not told me I’d have no idea.

    Be that as it may, it sounds like your partner is going too fast and not enough lube.

  3. They can get wallered out a bit but it takes real commitment to keep stretching more and more. Then if you stop training it will over time spring back some. If you work up to really crazy wide toys it can make a permanent difference.

  4. Muscle flexibility is (mostly) brain function, not a physical change. You learn to relax and open more, and more. So the vag itself is physically the same, but it relaxes more and squeezes less as you build that habit.

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