It could be a great conversation going absolutely perfect… but won’t get past a couple messages. It’s usually me starting the conversation then being left on read only for me to eventually start a new conversation the next day (cycle continues)

There are two friends that I’m pretty close with. One of them I have only spoken to when they need some type of support or when they want to talk about their s/o, or to help them with something. The other one, well, I can’t really have a conversation with because they just leave me on read after 3 messages.

I have had a hunch it’s just a “me problem” because I like to talk to them / I am more engaged in the conversation when talking to them. Or I’m less busy than they are. Either way it’s just annoying because it doesn’t really seem like they want to talk to me, even when they’re free.

Any advice?

  1. Don’t take it personal.. The same shit happens to me all the time. Some people aren’t willing to put in effort unless it benefits them. Just the way society and the collective conscious is nowadays. I’ve learned that sometimes it’s best to just let dead relationships go even if that means being alone.

  2. Do you know Anthony, too??? Lol. I know the feeling. Even mid-conversation they seem to toss their phone into the bushes only to find days later. It’s just who they are, it’s not you. Appreciate their other traits.

  3. It’s hard to judge for an outsider I think. It depends on how often you message them and how comfortable they are with messaging people in general. Some people are just not very talkative over text or they forget to respond. How they interact with you in real life is probably a way better indicator on how they value you as a friend.

  4. Hold up, why’re you assuming you’re “the problem”?

    It takes equal effort from both parties to reach the friendship level. If people don’t make time for you, they’re not interested in a friendship/relationship with you :<

  5. Don’t assume you’re the problem, sometimes people just don’t want to put in the effort. I’d say either have a conversation with them about how it makes you feel if and see how they respond or just slowly cut them off.

    It’s up to you

  6. It’s not personal. Text conversations just get boring at times. Typing out too much is weird. I prefer calling if I’m close with them.

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