I understand how it sounds from the title, but hear me out.

My (28M) partner (30F) doesn’t like me liking other women’s photos on social media. I would understand it being problematic if it were celebrities, or sexy selfies, or something like that. But it’s literally me liking my friends’ selfies if they go on vacation or hanging out with their dog or something. I don’t even read the captions. Just scroll, see something from a friend, like it, and keep scrolling. Meanwhile, she gets mad at me for liking “cute” selfies (all selfies are cute in her eyes if there’s a woman in them). Am I out of line, or is she being unreasonable? We’ve been together for 7 months.

TL;DR Liking female friends’ photos on social media, partner gets upset

  1. On the one hand it’s absolutely fine for guys to like photos of their friends who are girls

    On the other hand it’s unclear whether she has a point. Arguably not reading the captions makes it worse, and if you’re just liking and scrolling do you also happen to be liking the purposefully sexier photos?

  2. If they’re your friends and people you know personally, you’re not out of line. Your actions are normal. It’s a ridiculous ask of her. Sounds like she has issues with insecurity and for some, that can lead to issues with being controlling.

    Now, if they were random girls you didn’t know, I could see her point, but you say they are not.

  3. She’s being kinda immature and childish. Never in my life have I felt the need to monitor the images my partner likes on social media of his friends and I don’t have any friends that do this to their partners too.

    Sounds like your gf has underlying issues with trust or her own self-esteem. You guys should sort this out soon because if her behaviour is controlling for something as innocuous as this, it’s only going to get worse and become a bigger issue for other areas in your life.

  4. I think your are missing the point. Yes, she is being unreasonnable but what’s more important is that she is expressing her insecurities and you need to listen and talk to her about it. She’s probably communicating her insecurities in a bad way but still you need to listen and talk to her. You need to build open lines of communication where both can express whatever they need to express. Obviously, you should have the freedom to like photos and she needs to understand that a healthy relationship isn’t achieved by controling our partner. Still, you need to be there for her to some extend.

  5. I would be asking her what it is that she’s hiding that is triggering her into questioning you in the first place. My partner would do the same thing all whilst hiding her secret social media life. People are fucked up, men or women, all just fucked up in some way, shape or form, and some more than others. Ask and see whatever that may be.

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