I have a friend, lets call her Anna. Anna and I have hungout a bit last fall but not at all since this year. In fact I haven’t seen her at all this year because of school and different schedules.

I’ve made many efforts to hangout, like asking to get food, drinks, etc,. But everytime she has said she can’t because she’s busy or doesn’t have much money, etc, which is fine. But she really hasn’t ever asked me to do something in return, which feels a little shitty.

Back in November, I told her I was looking for some new hobbies to try and she told me about an art club that she usually goes to on weekends and offered me to go with her. I initially said I’ll get back to her about trying it out since I wasn’t sure about it.

Well fast forward to this past week, I texted her about going out but she again couldn’t make it. I then decided to also text her about taking up on her offer of going to the art club to which she was like “sure lets plan for this Saturday!” I never responded to her because I actually got busy and ultimately forgot. Friday night, I remembered and was going to text her but I wanted to see if she would at least remember and text me again to confirm whether or not I can go… Saturday came and went she never did.

Admittedly, I’m a little upset about this because I feel as if her and I are friends but yet it seems I’m mainly forgotten and or at least in the back of her mind. I could understand if me waiting just to see if she remembered me is a little childish but at the same time I’d expect her as a friend to maybe say something like “hey, you still good for saturday?” Thoughts?

She’s a cool person and we have a lot in common but this just feels like we’re starting to drift apart.

1 comment
  1. You didn’t make any plans for the Saturday for her to confirm.

    If I messaged someome saying “let’s plan something for Saturday” and got ghosted I would assume the person wasn’t interested at all. I wouldn’t keep messaging them about it after getting no response

    You’re the one who forgot to respond

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