What have been some of the most shocking assumptions people have about you

  1. My father had a gun collection and when he was dying I made sure he knew that the only thing I wanted from his estate was a few of the guns that had caught my eye. There was a Soviet sniper rifle that had never been fired, a 30/30 that I had used for my first kill when I was a kid and a couple of shot guns.

    After he died my brother and I were at dad’s house trying to sort out all the details when my brother told me that dad emphatically did not want me to have those guns. When I asked why my brother told me that dad was afraid I would move to Montana and join a militia and go down in a hail of bullets and fire like David Koresh. And I could tell from my brother’s face that he agreed.

    I hopped on a plane and flew home with nothing but sadness and frustration. My own father and brother didn’t know me AT ALL.

    Oh well.

  2. I started shaving my head on deployment when we all shaved our heads. I liked it and kept going. I get a couple of people that think I’m a racists.

  3. I used to teach at a local college and I was myself in my 20s so I was probably one of the youngest faculty. I’m not very good looking, I keep to myself. I’m just tall and well built. Never had much attention from girls and as faculty suddenly got a lot. Anyways, it’s not like I was buddies with the students but there was a lot of gossip about me.
    Once I found out a few rumors about me. All in one day.

    Apparently I am married. Have 2 kids. Cheated on my wife and am currently engaged to another girl but my wife refuses to move out. Oh and there is a student who claims that during all this drama, she has been flirting with me.

    I wish.. my life was that interesting. I’ve been single for atleast 10 years.

  4. I don’t know what kind of gay vibes I give off, but a lot more men hit on me than women.

  5. That I probably have fantasized about doing a mass shooting. Ok, I have autism and had many kids bully the shit outta me, yes. Yes, I was an outcast. But no way in hell would I respond with fucking mass murder!

  6. In high school douchebags used to say I was going to be the next Columbine, but as and adult people are always shocked when they find out I’m autistic I always get hit with you don’t look autistic or you speak so well

  7. That I’m confident and outgoing when actually I’m wracked with self doubt

  8. That I’m a quiet person, but I’m not I just don’t know how to interact in a group. I’ll talk all day one on one.

  9. That I’m a masculine, ruthless, emotionless bloke.

    Just wait for a toy dog to stroll past. I go “Awww, you are such a cute lil’ fur baby. What a sweetie.”

    Yeah, I just understand myself and adapt to the situation.

  10. That I’m depressed. I’m rather quiet and usually have an emotionless face which led to most of my high-school teachers asking if I was feeling okay or if everything was alright at home. Unfortunately that’s just how I look

  11. That I’m uneducated, dumb, never been out of the country, racist, uncultured all because I have a southern draw… I’ve lived overseas, visited 47 states lived in 8, have a geopolitical hobby interest, I work in a very technical engineering field as a consultant, love classical music and art, am exceptionally interested in foreign culture, built wood furniture as a hobby, play two instruments and love history. But it does come in handy when people underestimate you.

  12. Girls in college kept asking my friends if I was gay. I have no idea why.

    Also got drunk with a friend and some of his pals and one guy I’d never hung out with before said he always thought I was an asshole but I’m pretty cool. It was a smallish school so we saw each other on campus and I guess my resting bitch face made me look like an asshole.

    Oh, then there was the guy who thought I was getting laid all the time. Forget his exact words but I actually laughed in his face. It’s been 6 years and I’m still a virgin lol

  13. I’m a large white guy with a beard living in the Southern US.

    I get a LOT of large white guys with beards coming up to me and saying very slightly encoded versions of, “Minorities, am I right?”.

  14. In my German elective the course instructor would often talk about her years back in Germany and how over the years the country has become unsafe because of the Syrian refugees the discussion mostly being pointed at me. In one of the lectures where she was teaching about German dishes and what they eat she asked fasten Sie heute? (Are you fasting today) to which I said nein(No). She thought maybe I was just a non practising Muslim as it was ramadan. Towards the end of the course we had to introduce ourselves in about 10 sentences. When she did get to know my name she was flabbergasted and asked aren’t you X? X was an afghan student who never attended the course. She did appear somewhat surprised nonetheless embarrassed.

  15. “You’re actually kinda handsome for a gamer”

    What did you think i looked like? Like my discord profile pic of Shrek?

  16. That I’m unfriendly and unapproachable. I just got the dude version of a resting bitch face is all. Even my wife says I look angry all the time

  17. I look like I am from the back woods or a viking. I have flat affect (I am autistic.) I have a PhD in a STEM field. New people are always caught off guard when I start speaking to them in a professional / formal manner. I can easily see they were expecting someone totally different.

  18. That I’m a fuckboi. I’m very confused cuz I try to act like a gentleman, I don’t lie to women, and I’m actually awkward af but every time I have a good first date, it’s always “I bet you talk to a lot of girls” or “how many women have you said this to” or “you’re such a player”.

    I wish I got laid half as much as women think I do.

  19. When I left New York City and went to University in upstate New York, people heard my NYC working- class accent and assumed 1) I was ignorant 2) I was violent.

  20. In High School I was told a few times that they thought I was going to bring a bomb.to school or shoot the place up.

    Only thing anyone ever said to me in high school that legitimately bothered me

  21. I made some new friends on my rugby team in highschool, this one guy said “it’s nice we have some diversity in this group now” asked what he was talking about and he said “well you’re Asian right?” I’m not Asian 😂

  22. Not really shocking but I do have other guys assume I’m a cunt when they first see me. Not meet me, see me. The number of times I’ve had somebody I spoke to and got on with say “I thought you were gunna be a prick” or some such thing is genuinely surprising. Not to stereotype but it is from guys that clearly don’t workout and I think they just assume all gymbros are stereotypical douchebags they’re made out to be online etc whereas in reality most of us are quite nice people.

  23. That I went to jail right after I graduated high school.

    I joined the military, and it was even announced at the graduation ceremony for HS lol.

  24. At the end of High School it was people thinking that I am very short. I’m 5’11”, but the next shortest person in the group I tended to be around was 6’2″, working up to a solid 6’6″ at the upper end. So a lot of people always had the context of “noticeably shorter” until I was around the not giants and they’d look at me and blurt out “Wait, I’m looking you in the eyes, you’re not ridiculously short??”, or even better, when I was outright taller than them and they had no idea. It was kind of hilarious how much I had messed with people’s perspective just by having a bunch of tall friends.

  25. Apparently it catches people off guard when they find out that I’m actually somewhat articulate and that I am a great cook.

    I also had someone once comment on my tattoo of Edgar Allan Poe by saying to me “You don’t seem like someone who reads.”

  26. A friend of my wife’s told me “You know, I would have guessed you had pierced nipples” when their family came swimming with us and she saw me shirtless for the first time.

    I’m not really sure how to take that.

  27. I had a therapist assume that, because I’m a man, I struggle with listening. I literally interview people for a living. If he had asked what I do for work at the beginning of our session, he would have learned very quickly that listening wasn’t an issue for me 🤦‍♂️.

  28. I mentioned my struggles with ADD and inability to focus at work one day, and many of my coworkers were shocked. Apparently they all saw me as one of the most diligent, focused people on our team. I was like, *”Haha, that’s cool to hear, but y’all have no clue how hard I have to work mentally every. fucking. second. of my waking life to accomplish that.”*

    Regardless, it really opened my eyes to how people’s perception of you can be wildly different from your own, and their perception and experiences with you are just as real and valid.

  29. Not really shocking, but here are the odd ones:

    I exercise a lot and have a lot of energy, so some people think I must be some sex machine in bed. Usually I’ve burned up all my energy by the end of the day, so I’m too exhausted to do anything.

    I’ve been told I’m gay because I’m creative, another person said I’m gay because I have relaxed wrists. Also, I save stray kittens and rehome them, so I must be gay since I don’t have dogs. Nothing wrong with being gay (I’m not), but that’s some seriously stupid logic.

    I’ve been told I must be Canadian because I’m nice. If I respond that I’m American, they’ll correct me.

    Long ago, I was told I must have no ambition because I was a retail supervisor to about 120 people, making above the median US wage, *to pay my way through university.*

    Because I’m really social and host a bunch of events (I’m at 417 events according to Facebook) that I must get all the ladies. But the only reason I have time to host events is because I’m always single.

    I must have yellow fever because I live in Asia, but honestly living in Asia made me 100% not have yellow fever. I rarely date locals.

  30. That I will fuck them up because of my ‘menacing face’. Bro I’m just ugly.

  31. Was told I looked like a rapist – by a beautiful woman I was chatting casually with at a social gathering

    I was 18

    Was soul crushing

  32. Kinda late, but basically I’ve recently begun to realize people fear me for no reason. I’m a long hair (curly, above shoulder, nothing rlly crazy) metalhead and like I wear bandshirts with jeans, so nothing crazy. I mean even my personality, I try to be sort of friendly (say gm to people I am not friends with, be polite, etc.), but even so, people fear me and I know that cause it was brought up in a convo and like out of 8 about 3 or 4 people said so. I mean, I don’t mind but I don’t get it.

  33. Everyone in school thought I sold drugs. Eventually I started selling oregano packets from the pizza joint to 12 year olds that wouldn’t take no for an answer.

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