TLDR- My boyfriend thinks it’s funny to disagree with me and make me mad. And I don’t just let it be, I always continue the argument. and then he complains about how we always have stupid arguments.

I’ll give an example from today. I keep my baking sheets and pans in the oven because I live in a tiny apartment with no space. The little space under the oven is where I keep the lids to pots and pans, so moving all of those to get one baking sheet is annoying.
He was putting away dishes and said “i still don’t get why you put them in the oven” so i explained basically what I just said and asked him if he thinks there’s a better place to put them. He said no. I said “so you understand why I keep them in the oven?” and he said no.
I know he’s just trying to annoy me and I asked him why he’s doing that and he said “idk i’m an asshole” and keeps putting away dishes and walking around so I have to follow him around to continue our conversation.
I know it’s stupid and I should just let it go, but I can’t. I feel like he doesn’t care that these things bother me, he just gets annoyed about our arguments and that makes me feel like the most annoying person ever.
We’ve talked about it before and he just continues to say that he hates there’s stupid little arguments. but these stupid little arguments feel like his fault he could’ve just said “oh yeah that makes sense” and we could’ve moved on.

  1. It takes two to communicate. It sounds like you two are a terrible match for each other.

  2. *he just gets annoyed*

    Yes, because you sound really annoying. Following him around what you described as a *tiny apartment with no space* so that you can badger him about his observation? That means absolutely nothing? The *stupid little arguments* are YOUR fault.

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