So I’m a 18yo guy, but recently I’m constantly having difficulty to focus on school work because I get too h*rny. I honestly want to experience it and stop being a virgin. I know a trustable 21yo girl, and was wondering if I should just hook up and give away my V card, cuz then my curiosity will be resolved. But there is still an internal conflict inside me, saying that maybe it should be with someone special, or that I’ll be able to focus after I experience it. How are your thoughts?

  1. Go buy a sex toy and watch some porn. Don’t just give away you V-Card bc your horny sweetie

  2. Thats really only a question you can answer. Everyone is different! Some people only want to be with 1 person their entire life while others don’t care.

  3. Depends on the person. Some don’t give a damn about their first time, some do. If you feel like that’s what you really want, coz you’re 18 now, then go ahead. It’s up to you to decide honestly

  4. Whether you want to have sex with this girl or not is really up to you. Do whatever feels right to you. But it’s not gonna make you less horny. You’re 18. You’re probably going to be horny for a couple more years.

  5. You’re 18, you probably won’t get less horny after you’ve tried sex. That said, you have to do it some day anyway, so if you know a girl you think you have chance with and you want to do it, go ahead.

  6. At your age, hormones will be off the scale and thus your libido sky high.

    Masturbating more can help (testosterone levels have been shown to drop after masturbation; have you ever seen The Wolf Of Wall Street? There’s literally a joke in there about this which is funnier because it’s based on truth. You’ve probably seen the GIF from it already), but at the same time don’t get hooked on porn – it will skew your entire perception of what sex is about in an unhealthy way that you may never recover from.

    As for the first time thing…in my experience it’s an enormous deal right up until you’ve done it. Then the more time that goes by, the more you don’t really care WHO your first time was with. It’s like remembering your first steak – you probably remember where you ate it or who cooked it, but the important part was discovering that you really fucking like steak, and the flavour of it – anybody could have cooked it for you and you would still have liked it (unless they cooked it really badly I guess lol). You don’t wait until you’re in the presence of a michelin starred chef to have your first steak; someone nearby has one and you think ‘that smells nice, looks nice, and my mouth is watering. I think I’ll try it’.

    But this is just my opinion; some people are unable to separate sex from love, so they see it very differently from me. That’s a conversation you need to have with yourself.

    Also: be prepared for your first time to be disappointing – don’t turn it into this giant Big Deal that consumes your entire being day in, day out. A crap first time happens to a lot of us, it’s normal. We’re not born sex gods, and neither are our partners. We all learn as we go.

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