Im a male and I feel like I’m just under what feels to be an acceptable height for most women (5’10+) so I lie about it on a dating app.

Firstly I’d like some reassurance whether it is on the shorter side for most and secondly I’d like to know if
women would really be able to tell the difference between 5’9 and 5’10

  1. Woman are attracted to men who can protect them. Hence why muscles are attractive. Height as well is a sign of superiority and strength. So yes height is an attractive trait, but you can compensate for that by working on other masculine traits (body building, presenting yourself as being confident and making her feel secure.) 😊

  2. At 5’9 you’re taller than most women, if you were to stand next to someone who is +5’11 you’ll be able to tell the difference.

  3. Well if a woman is 5’10 she’s gonna figure it out pretty quickly. Why lie? Just state your height and then you will know upfront it’s not an issue with your matches.

  4. It’s not too short, but don’t lie about it on the app. Women are extremely sensitive to men’s height in the online dating world so showing up to a date shorter than she expected is going to bury you before the date even begins.

  5. You are not that tall honestly but why do u care that much ? A lot of women are smaller than that and your height is average. Start caring about things that matter in relationships, your personnality. If u too insecure about your heigt dont put it on your profile

  6. I highly doubt anyone would be able to tell 5’9 from 5’10 in person. I know a lot of women set their height filter for 5’10 and over, so you wouldn’t show up in their feed. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. My boyfriend is 5’9” and guess what? He’s never once talked about being “short” nor did he lie on his dating profile. The problem with a lot of men who are “shorter” is not their height – it’s their insecurity and terrible attitude (aka you).

    Yes, people can tell when you lie about your height and they do care about lying. The lie also shows how insecure you are and no normal person wants to to date someone so insecure.

  8. I’m 5’9 and I’ve never had a problem getting women. If it bothers you that much get boots or shoes with lifts or go to the gym to at least get fitter.

    Its only a problem if you let it be one.

  9. 5’8″ woman here.

    Apparently my preference in men is 5’7″, because the last two men I’ve been with have both been that height, lol.

    If the person you’re interested in is that pressed for height requirements, ask them if they were an amusement park ride in their past life. (They’re probably not worth your time)

  10. In the real world and when you get older (I’m a 27f) you will realize there are several categories of people. An immense amount of people.
    Having said that, there are people who like tall and look for tall.
    As for me? I have always been attracted to shorter men. I like to feel equal with a partner. If you are looking for ways to attract women who like taller then by all means say 5’10 but if you’re looking for someone who will be in YOUR CIRCLE (a genuine interest or connection) yell the truth and be proud.

    I love a short guy 😉

  11. Women under 5’5″ or so can’t tell the difference between 5’9″ and 5’11”. don’t worry about it. Tell them you’re 5’10” or something.

  12. It’s not that important, just be honest. Caring about height that intensely is shallow anyways, so why set yourself up to be with someone who thinks like that

  13. You run the risk of women realizing you lied and being turned off. I’m 5’8 and I’ve been out with a decent number of guys close to my height who obviously lied. It’s a deal breaker for me, I would never lie about anything on my profile, so

  14. I’m a 5’5 male. Height can be a factor but demeanor and energy is everything. I don’t use dating apps but I can imagine them being pretty shallow as physical appearance is all one really has to offer online. You also have to compete with a lot more people. The real world is different though you have less people to compete with and women have less options. In real life the most attractive guy in the room is going to go for the most attractive girl so everyone else is forced to face reality. Women aren’t going to reject you for being the same height as them when the alternative is them being alone. When you are online you can be as selective as you want to be.

  15. Tom Cruise is 5’7″. Depending on where you get the Intel, Sylvester Stallone’s height is actually a mystery. Laughing. C’mon man. My height is the same as Tom Cruise and never stopped me.

    Review job advertisements. Often written by the outgoing person who actually had the job and quit. The laughable ads are the entry level jobs requiring years of experience. Apply anyway.

  16. I’m 34F and height is an afterthought for me personally. Also I’m 5’3” myself, so most men are taller than me already. I wouldn’t worry about your height, just don’t lie. 🤷‍♀️

  17. Bro everyone has something they wish they could change. I’m 5’11 and I spent years cursing my genetics wishing I could squeeze out that last inch of Hight. I also wish I didn’t need glasses, I had a nicer car, better teeth, didn’t suffer from depression and ADHD and didn’t have a massive baby face. All of those things except hight and baby face are things I can work on and slowly make progress towards through hard work. I found that people judge themselves way harder then other people judge us and putting effort exclusively at the things you can change while ignoring what you can’t is a much better use of time then allowing myself to whine. If you were 5’10 you’d wish you were 5’11. If you were 5’11 like me you’d wish you were 6 foot. If you somehow convinced yourself that you were the perfect hight you’d be upset about something else.

    Compromising your integrity by lying doesn’t accomplish anything positive. You’ll ether get shutdown if the girl really is that shallow, and you might get shutdown (rightfully) if they find out you lie as a coping mechanism for low self esteem.

  18. As long as you’re kind and treat me with respect, I don’t care about you being 5’9

  19. Please don’t lie about it. It looks pathetic that you can’t accept yourself. A good woman (i.e. the one meant for you) doesn’t care about the specifics down to an inch.

  20. I’m a 5’10 female and both my past boyfriend and current boyfriend are 5’9. I hardly think about it unless I happen to wear heels (which I almost never do). Be confident in your height. I don’t think you should lie because any girl who’s gonna require that minimum isn’t worth your time in my opinion.

  21. Your question is flawed. Every height will be too short for somebody. You can always find a woman who simply will not date a guy under a certain height.

    But in my experience there are a lot of women who will date guys with a below average height, you just need to be confident and date a lot of women to find the right one. And you being 5’9″ you’re right on the average anyway, so it does seem like you’re looking for an excuse, when actually your height isn’t a big deal.

  22. Height truly doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t dwell on it. I been with guys over six feet and with guys who were 5’9. And 5’9 is my favorite height for a partner because I’m short and I won’t have to stand on my tip toes to kiss him. I think many women just want a man who will be a an inch or so taller then them. There’s so many short women out there that 5’9 is super tall for them.

  23. Please don’t lie about it. That’s so much worse. Women can tell a man’s height. We know how tall we are. We also know the heel height on our various shoes. We know when we’re taller than someone who is lying about his age. Lying is so much worse than being the same height as a woman, or even being shorter. I’m 5’5, so not tall myself, and i’ve dated men of all heights. It truly doesn’t bother me at all. Lying on your profile is a huge turn off for me. Please just be honest and confident with yourself. Most women date men for the way they make us feel, and how they treat us (not talking paying for dates). Just be kind, smile, make us laugh, ask questions, show genuine interest. It isn’t hard

  24. I can’t speak for womankind, only for myself. I don’t care if you’re 5’9 or 5’10, don’t have a height filter when online dating and don’t think 5’9 is short, either.

    BUT: I don’t think you should lie about your height – or anything – on your profile. It displays insecurity and provokes disappointment. I also have physical features that not all men would like. So I display them! That way, I don’t have to worry about disappointing any of my matches when I meet them and I don’t care about those who swiped left on me, anyways.

  25. 5’9” is average in my opinion, neither tall nor short. I’d suggest putting your correct height in your bio, no point lying over an inch, good luck fella.

  26. If a woman is going to reject you because you’re too short, you probably want to avoid them anyway.

  27. Depends on where you live. I guess that 5’9 isn’t impressive in western countries. But in some Asian countries, 5’9 is considered tall. (yes, I’m an 5’9 Asian guy, just speaking from experience)

  28. As a 22 year old, 5`10″ woman, I get annoyed when men lie about height on dating apps. I like dating men around my eye line, I have no problem with anyone’s height if they’re a couple inches above or below me. I do have an issue with someone lying right out the gate. If we’re gonna end up meeting at some point, then I feel like that would probably cause stress for someone who is not being honest about their appearance. I would just be honest. Height truly is not as big a deal as the internet makes it seem. I’ve been on a date with a guy (who knew my height) and he said he was 6″ tall… he was 5’7. I didn’t care that he was shorter than me, but its weird that he’d lie like that. It gives off insecurity, and men who own their height and other physical features are sexy. Just be real and you’ll find the woman for you! I hope this helps! <3

  29. 5’9 woman here. My boyfriend is 5’6 and it really doesn’t matter to me at all. In fact I like shorter men. Height doesn’t matter to every woman.

    That being said your height is EXTREMELY average. I mean that as a good thing in this case. In my mind most men are around the same height as me. By a huge majority. If you’re on tinder I wouldn’t even mention your height, tbh. You’re very much the “expected height” category where it isn’t worth stating. I wouldn’t lie about your height, just not add it unless asked. You’re the average height for a man in the US. (If that’s
    where you are.)

    Some people’s height are so regular it doesn’t account that much for your overall dating profile. Your would be one of those. If I were a 5’5 woman I wouldn’t add mine.

    If it’s a different app where you have to, then yes, be honest. I personally would never thing “oh he’s short” if I saw your height. Sometimes women say they want a 6 foot guy, but most are not and if you’re cute that flies out the window. Plus, you don’t wanna be with someone who wants to date you based on a lie, or a woman who’s high maintenance enough to be caught up with that.

  30. Coming from a short man, I think a little confidence goes a long way. Sure, there are women who hold height as a hard standard. And that’s their prerogative! But there are PLENTY women who can appreciate and are very attracted to a man who exudes confidence no matter how short or tall. For perspective, I’m 5’ 4” and I’ve never had much of a problem getting matches/dates/laid because I’ve always understood the power of confidence.

  31. I’m a 5’3 female and honestly? I prefer men under 6 ft…. 5’7-5’9 is ideal actually. Don’t stress, the right person will make you not even care about your height ☺️

  32. Lying about your height is not only dumb, but you’re starting out any relationship with a lie and nobody likes liars

  33. A height of 5’9 is plenty attractive. Insecurity and lying about something that you can’t change and getting so hung up over, isn’t attractive. You can’t please everyone, stop caring and be confident.

  34. Let me help yall out a bit. I legit got a 0% in the stereotype department. I’m 27M Korean and barely 5’2″ 5’3″ ~ish. Now im not saying this to make myself feel better, we’re all strangers anyways. But i’m definitely not an ugly guy and not lacking in any departments. I can say it is difficult but not impossible. It does help that im pretty stocky and not a twig, but if I can walk around confident and not worrying about the girls that reject me cuz im Asian and or really fucking short, yall can definitely do better than I can. Some girls literally date only based off certain attributes. I’ve dated girls taller than me and shorter. The way you present yourself is what really matters. If they’re only worried about your height they’re probably not worth it anyways. Keep your head up king 👑

  35. If you’re asking this question you’ve already lost.

    I have a buddy who is 5’6, he never brings up his own height, he excels in the hobbies he partakes in, he’s funny and charismatic, anytime anyone tries to talk shit about his height he has a witty retort, and he does perfectly fine for himself in the dating scene.

    I am 6ft tall, I’m insecure about things not related to my height or appearance, and I am usually single.

    The only thing holding you back is yourself my dude. There will be women who reject you for your height, but those women were never worth your time anyway; you shouldn’t care about the people who don’t want to be with you, anyway.

    With the vast majority of women being shorter than you, even in the realm of “I only date guys taller than me,” you’re perfectly fine.

  36. Average guy only match with 1% (even below I think) of people they swipe on in dating apps, it’s got nothing to do with you being 5’9 tbh.

  37. I’m 6’2″. If I see a profile where a woman wants someone over a certain height, I do not engage.

    Even if I meet the standard, that standard is wrong and makes them less attractive to me.

  38. Female here.

    I seriously do not understand the height preferences a lot of women have. There are many men who are good-looking and what I’m looking for lifestyle and morality wise that have been that “short” or shorter. I’m not going to knock out a dude from my dating sphere for height reasons, but maybe that’s because it’s a minor detail for me.

    Hopefully you can find a woman who’s not so picky about height! We do exist lol.

    I wish you luck.

  39. Men put a huge emphasis on height when it comes to dating. I think a lot of it is based on what they see on social media (mainly bs), shallow desires they observe from women early on in dating, and their own insecurity.

    I’m 5’7″ 30M I’ve never had an issue dating because of my height. You can certainly put 5’10” if it makes you feel more confident since most people cannot tell the difference between 5’9″ and 5’10”. Especially because of posture and type of shoes you wear. We all tell white lies in dating. As long as it’s not extremely obvious, it’s fine.

    You’re pretty average for most places, but the thing is you need confidence. It’s not like being 6’0″+ automatically gets you any woman you want.

    You’re not under what is acceptable, you’re creating boxes and rigid rules for yourself that don’t exist. In dating you will always fail if you set up rules to limit yourself.

    In a vacuum some women are going to prefer a taller dude, but that is usually taller than them. Plenty of men when asked would probably like a woman who looks a certain way, but it doesn’t mean they end up with them. People have desires for certain types of partners, but it doesn’t mean they only date those types. On top of that, you will always run into people with insane or rigid dating criteria too.

    You need to build confidence and work on yourself inside and out. You cannot worry so much about height especially when you’re not short at all. It’s much different being a man who is below the average height for a woman like 5’4″, but even short men like those can clean up.

    My biggest piece of advice is to not get too focused on your height and dive into terminally online content that is just rage bait for men who want to sulk and be miserable.

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