When was the last time you saw a live chicken IRL?

  1. In Hawaii last year.

    Lots of people in Atlanta have backyard chickens, but no one around me does.

  2. In Key West a couple of months ago. They just wander around in a lot of parts of town

  3. I almost hit one on the way to work a few years ago. It was literally crossing the road.

  4. I have 3 living in my backyard, so every time I let the dog out, and when I feed and water them.

  5. Earlier in the week. I could see live chickens daily without going too far out of the way though. My coworker keeps several for eggs. There are multiple tack-and-feed and farm suppliers within driving distance if I wanted to buy the necessary stuff, including live chicks, to keep my own.

    My subdivision backs up to a cow pasture. I like to watch the herd from my work desk sometimes while thinking through solutions to issues at work. Amazingly in the year since I’ve been here, my dogs have still managed to not notice the cows when they’re at the fence just on the other side of the next-door neighbor’s yard.

  6. Yesterday when I was bike riding. Raising chickens in urban areas is very trendy right now.

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