This is not a hate to drinking and smoking weed. I just find this generation to be odd that the only way to have “fun” towards majority of people is to drink or smoke. I was invited to hang out with some high school friends that haven’t talked to in 8 years. It was fun till they asked me to come drink and smoke with them and I declined. They awkwardly stared at me, spoke to me differently, barely talked to me for 15 mins, and I just decided to leave.
Does anyone else have problems with this when it comes to making friends?

  1. There will always be people who don’t do this. It’s just a matter of finding them.

  2. Facts. It wasn’t until deciding not to do these things you realise there is a WHOLE ingrained culture in people to associate with this as part of having “fun”.

    It’s so ingrained in us as a society that it’s so rare to find someone who doesn’t, you stand out and are treated like a leper.

    There’s also those who low key suffer with addiction, and their ego becomes triggered and defensive when finding out someone is happy without it, because they can’t imagine living life without it, so subconsciously it makes them feel attacked. They WANT you to consume it with them so they don’t have to face being without it and address their obvious issues.

    Alcohol and drug abuse is an insidious instigator for:
    – addiction (*trauma usually being the trigger)
    – domestic violence
    – self harm *
    – vehicle accidents
    – liver disease / cancer
    – heart disease / stroke
    – oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, pharynx, colon, and rectum

    If you’re curious and want to see how it’s ingrained into us, look into the history of alcohol. This quote doesn’t even INCLUDE the amount of marketing and the immense budget advertising companies had to throw this shit in our faces for decades on end.

    “At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the British parliament passed a law encouraging the use of grain for distilling spirits. Cheap spirits flooded the market and reached a peak in the mid-eighteenth century. In Britain, gin consumption reached 18 million gallons and alcoholism became widespread”


  3. Well…whats wrong with drink and smoke? You dont have to be completely wasted or anything.

    Also the people in their 60+ are the generation with the drinking problem. You are about 26 years old…Yes most people smoke and drink in that age nothing wrong with it, its actually great for socializing.

    Just to be clear….again…dont have to be wasted just because you drink / smoke one or two.

  4. It probably helps that a large stigma of smoking weed has been removed due to it’s legalization in some parts of the world. And won’t land you in jail with a criminal record.

    There will be those that enjoy using and those that don’t. But you need to be more relaxed. Although they should also respect your choice of not using.

  5. boy i hate when people say that. “this generation this, this generation that” literally any and all generations do shit like this. when you were younger, kids your age did this. you’re just starting to realize it. let’s be realistic…

  6. I have friends that are stone cold sober and it’s just the fact that they’re awkward and somewhat judge mental even if they don’t mean too. It’s also hard to relate to them because they haven’t had any experiences to relate. Idk just feels like the sobriety isn’t about any other virtue than superiority. If that’s not you then kudos but majority of people that hold onto sobriety like that are kinda different.

  7. we all grew up traumatized and anxious af on the internet. unfortunately im a lot more fun and genuine under the influence

  8. So many people are triggered by this post. You can’t ever talk about drinking or smoking since people get offended by it so hard LMAO

  9. This is so true. When hanging out with most people, it seems that alcohol, drugs, & partying have to be a part of the equation to make a plan with peers

  10. Cuz it’s the way you approached it bro. You were like “oh you guys are doing drugs? Nahhh i don’t want to hang out with you”.

    How do you think that made them feel? They probably felt judged. I guarantee you that if you hung out with them and simply said “No thanks” when they offered, they would have respected your choice. You didn’t respect their choice, thus you’re the one who alienated yourself.

    (and if they actually pressure you to do so, then those aren’t people you want to be hanging out with)

  11. You see, the thing about alcohol and weed is that these are social substances. They’re intended to bring a group together, if used correctly. You’re definitely not going to have the best experience with it if you’re surrounded by distant friends or family members whom you have no significant connection with.

    It’s really all about set and setting. If you’re around your specific group of people who bring nothing but the best out of you, share compassion and love and you feel safe with them overall, it can be a great experience and especially a fun one. My wife and I used to smoke weed for fun but we also sometimes use it as a tool to connect more deeply with each other.

  12. Well… you were invited to hang out and do those activities you don’t like. Neither weed nor alcohol were invented in the 21st century… so if you just don’t like find people that do what you actually like…

  13. Every generation love drinking. They even banned alcohol years ago but guess what’s back? Alcohol and also idk if you know this or not but people have been doing Drugs for generation too. Non of this shit is new.

  14. Probably because the world sucks and it’s the cheapest option to avoid it and try to have some fun. Not saying it’s a healthy option

  15. There’s nice stoners and there’s lame stoners. Nice stoners offer you to relax with them if you want, lame stoners want you to develop an addiction for them. Same with alcoholics or social drinkers. You are always gonna find a handful of cool ones at the party that don’t GAF what’s in your cup

  16. >It was fun till they asked me to come drink and smoke with them and I declined.

    See, the way I took this to mean was:

    I don’t want to hang out with you

    Because you can still hang out with them, and just choose not to drink and smoke yourself. You can be the designated sober friend.

    Or what if they were asking you to hang out and because they know you’re sober, maybe they were asking you to be their sober friend too?

    One of my group of friends, only one friend is sober while I can get drunk with one friend, and get weed high with another friend. It’s still a good time.

    A huge thing with drinking and getting high is that nobody wants to peer pressure their friends anymore because they want to make sure their friends are just having fun.

  17. It really depends on your circle. I’m studying computer science and most guys I meet are nerds just like me and prefer a chill evening playing games over parties and drugs. We dont even do the sex!

  18. Given the stories my parents told me, it is most certainly not just the current generation

  19. I don’t drink or like to be around drunk people for personal reasons and I get a lot of judgment and if I explain why I’m always told I’m bringing down the mood but I have friends who love and respect me and my choices. It’s just a matter of finding people and having mutual respect some of my friends drink and smoke and I think they are smart people and I don’t and they also think I’m a smart person. It’s just about maturity and communication!

  20. Consciousness hurts. This is not a generational problem but a human problem. Methods of making yourself less conscious are shared and celebrated, despite their obvious health risks.

  21. Yeah it’s frustrating. I used to drink but got sick of it. I got tired of feeling like garbage so quit all together. One of the first things I noticed was all my “friends” were huge drinkers. So I didn’t really hang out with them anymore because that’s all they wanted to do.

    One of my friends, I lost forever because she is still drinking (I quit 7 years ago) and if I ask to hang out she is like “yeah we can geta a couple drinks!!!” um…no thanks. That’s what hanging out is to her, just getting face to the floor black out drunk. No thanks.

    The 2 people I know now, one of them is always stoned and drunk at the same time. It’s awkward if anything, because I am sober. I hope to one day make friends who don’t drink/smoke/do drugs, but I don’t know anyone like that T_T

  22. some of these comments did not pass the vibe check. needing to rely on a substance to have fun or “be chill” is absolutely ridiculous. please grow up

  23. You’re hanging out with the wrong crowd. Join meetup & find people who are interested in things other than the above mentioned. To go where you’ve never been you gotta do what you’ve never done.

  24. I don’t drink or smoke weed. When we finish work early my boss comes to the workshop, he and some of my coworkers have beers and smoke weed, and most of the time I’m just there. Because we’re supposed to stay there until 3.

  25. Honestly, those things are super overated. There’s so many other things to do to have fun.
    It’s not a generational thing. Drinking is ingrained in society as a cool social thing to do. If you don’t do so, you’re strange.
    I’m 23 and don’t drink nor do any type of drugs(very anti illicit substances).
    Many if society stopped making it seem like these things are cool and hip to do then maybe people would slowly stop associating fun with drinking and drugs.

  26. I can relate. Smoking is bad for your lungs, drinking is bad for your liver. I’ll have a water bottle instead. Cheers!

  27. Fully agree. People will have “420 friendly” on their profile and then check off that they’re not a smoker 😒

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