I’ve never been out alone to a museum, dinner, concert, anything like that. Being in the house is just way too depressing because of the state of my life right now and I just need to fill my time to not lose my mind. I always see people on social media talk about taking yourself out and how fun and good for you that can be. I love all types of nights out but I’ve never done it alone. I want to go to a comedy show on Saturday by myself and get dolled up and feel good about myself and have a drink or two, but I’m so self conscious about potential stares and being hyper aware about the fact that I’m alone. I always hear that no one cares or pays attention, is that really true even for things typically meant to be done with others? What’s your experience? Any advice

  1. I do it all the time. You are not a important person in the eyes of people who don’t know you, you are not so special that people would stare.

  2. People really do not stare. And as harsh as it sounds, they also don’t really care if you’re there or not. Any time I have ever actually noticed someone out on their own at like a restaurant or something, the only thought I’ve ever had was “I wish I was able to do that and not feel embarrassed”. I didn’t think that because I think other people eating out alone is embarrassing, quite the contrary. I just think it’s weird if I do it. A lot of those thoughts can stem from low self esteem. “It’s cool if other people do it, but lame and embarrassing if I do it”

  3. Started taking myself out on dates and it’s been really nice. No one cares honestly and even if they do, why does it matter? You aren’t gonna see them again

  4. If they’re staring than you’re doing something right! Go out there and enjoy yourself 🙂

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