What do you do to please your girlfriend when she is angry with you?

  1. You can only please her AFTER you did something for her to stop being angry.

  2. If I did something wrong than I’ll do something sweet for her and apologize but if I didn’t do anything wrong than I’ll give her her time and space and I’ll let her reach out whenever she’s ready.

  3. Assuming I’m actually in the wrong, rather than just hit a nerve, I’ll usually apologize pretty easily and earnestly. If that doesn’t work I just give her space. I’m not one for grand gestures or prostrations over minor arguments or infractions, especially since so many other guys do that already and create the awful cultural precedent that women should be cow towed to.

  4. I rewatch all my old 50/60s SciFi until she’s tired of hearing them and apologizes.

  5. It honestly depends on the reason. If it’s my fault, I will try to do better next time and communicate, that I got what I did wrong. Couple that with a pair of flowers and a good talk, and there is almost nothing we can’t work out.

    If she’s just angry because she’s stressed, I will try to either give her some space or reduce whatever is bugging her. For example, she says her chores are too much, I’ll take over some of her usual household work until she’s feeling better. Additionally, I sometimes make a booking for her for things like massages, day spas etc.

  6. Give her the official husband’s apology.

    “I want to apologize for my mis-communication and will do my best to make sure that it never happens again.”

    If she wants to crap on you after that then you know that she is being a vindictive bitch and actually dislikes you. Plan your exit.

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