We have problems in bed for almost 1 year already. It does not happen as often and at this point it is repetitive if it happens. It makes me sad and stressed.
I find that she is barely ever horny. I am still horny and want to do stuff. I come to her and most of the time she is not in the mood. I have tried different ways of touching her. Different ways of talking to her.

The other other problem id that when I touch her she starts laughing because it tickles her. So I tried doing it different and it is just frustrating cause nothing work and I feel dumb after. Specially if she starts laughing when I am trying to be sensual.
I asked her what she likes but her answers are very vague. I know she never played with herself either.
She knows how I feel but to be honest, when I ask her what’s wrong. There is never a real answer.

I love this woman. Everything but our sex love is great but this is just driving me crazy. I miss fucking.

  1. Bro me too! I’m not ticklish at all so I don’t understand but she tells me to just go for it and then she laughs and pushes me off and I feel dumb😅😂

  2. When she feels ticklish tell her to take a deep breath and focus on her breathing. It helps.

    Also maybe try not touching her as softly with your hands.

    Also Also, she cannot help her low labido.

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