my (24F) sister (31F) texted me last night telling me to stop contacting her. she’s no contact with the rest of the family, and has been for a few years, except for me. she told me before that she would always talk to me, and expressed having me live with her to help me (i have severe anxiety which makes having a job difficult). i’ve been caring for her dog until she could buy a house, and she just took him back a month ago. she has expressed wanting me to stay at her house to care for her dog while she did travel nursing before too. we’re very close and to me, best friends, so for this to come out of the blue has been very confusing. she stated last night that she “has her reasons” and that it’s for her “mental health”, but she has always come to me to talk about her mental health previously. i have talked her down from suicide a few times. she also is with an emotionally and possibly physically abusive man, and i know this because she has talked to me about stuff when they broke up multiple times before. he has also had me blocked on facebook for a few years, which tells me he doesn’t like the hold i had on my sister and he couldn’t easily cut her off from me. i love my sister dearly and truly just want her to be happy, but i can’t see how i can deal with not having her in my life. does any of this seem to match up, or is it possibly her boyfriend doing this? and if you do think it’s her, how do i move past this? i’m at a loss for words.

TL;DR : my sister went no contact with me last night and i genuinely don’t understand why or how to deal with it

  1. It’s odd that she’d go from wanting you to move in with her to not wanting to talk to you at all. How long has she been with her boyfriend, does he live with her too?

  2. If you think it is her boyfriend, then he is probably monitoring her social, email, and phone calls/texts.

    Where does he work, and where does your sister work? Is it safe for you to surprise her for lunch? That way she can talk freely about what is going on.

    OR, call her work phone, use her work email address… something that he doesn’t monitor.

  3. >she also is with an emotionally and possibly physically abusive man,

    Probably got an ultimatum or manipulation from him.

    Nothing you can do about this, also remember anything you write to her will be read by this man.

    All you can do in this situation is send her one more message, stating you love her and will be there for her no matter what.

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