I need my husband to help me more with our son who is ten
. I suffer from severe insomnia from long Covid and am close to having a mental breakdown. I would never commit suicide because death scares me but I see why people do it. Tonight I asked him to help our son get ready for bed. He has ADHD and is not as independent as I would hope him to be. So brush his teeth, shower, reading together and 9 pm lights out. I ended up having to find towels for the shower. His teeth were Brushed with my son using his finger. He is supposed to read out loud with an adult in his bed. I find him alone watching TV. My husband loves to disappear to the basement for hours instead of spending time with us. After 3 days of not sleeping I didn’t handle my anger well and I lost it and screamed like a crazy person which upset my son. It made him say I don’t want to live here anymore. We had been separated for a year and he moved back in and promised to be a better husband and dad. I don’t know what to do. I think maybe we are better off without him and he needs to leave.

1 comment
  1. How often is your husband in the basement and what is he actually doing? If he keeps checking out for hours at a time then yes, you may well be happier on your own. He sounds completely disengaged.

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