So my ldg doesn’t want to have any kind of phone sex or send nude pics which I totally respect and agree to but when I get the urge I don’t want to watch porn and if I don’t look at anything I thing about her anyway. So would it be weird to look at pics of her while I did it or not, we are in love if that helps

  1. Doesn’t sound like something most people would find objectionable, but you should ask her.

  2. I would talk with her. She might help you out. No, it’s not weird. Many partners would appreciate that you prefer them to porn. That said, I wouldn’t send nudes to anyone, even my spouse. You have no control over what happens to those pics once they leave your phone.

  3. Hi. I did long distance for four years. Although I did do those things with him, I remember he said it didn’t feel the same fantasizing about me on his own vs watching porn or thinking of other things. I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong and if you guys are together I’m sure she can understand your sexual needs.

    However, if it is something that bothers you, communication is really important. You should tell her. My ex did and honestly although I was a big taken back at first I was also in a way flattered. I didn’t mind it. But I don’t speak for everyone ya know?

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