Married to wife 7 years. Two young Children we both love. We get along fairly well on the odd solo night out we’re afforded. However in the throws of the relentless domesticity it’s not very harmonious. There is little to no affection, kindness or expression of appreciation. No indication that I’m anything more than a practical partner. At its worst, she is quite disrespectful with insults and seems constantly irritated by me. It feels like there is no respect or reverence for our marriage. Certainly no physical desire. Just looking for some advice.

  1. Have you discussed this with her? Has she indicated what her issues are with you?

    Have you sat down with her, identified the problem and agreed on tactics to address?

  2. I can’t speak for every woman but for me, a little goes SUCH a long way. She sounds very resentful. I can understand your unhappiness too. My suggestion? Once in awhile, do something like bring home dinner rather than having her cook (if she does). Or bring her a plant or some flowers or the gum she loves. Comment if her hair looks nice. Start touching her in non-sexual ways…. like touch the middle of her back as you walk past her in the kitchen. Start reminding her in these little, non-verbal ways of the love and intimacy that started out your relationship with each other.

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