I’m a bit introverted but I do go out on the weekends. I feel like there is something about me that everyone notices/sees that I don’t..
What’s it like to date someone who’s into you?

1 comment
  1. Aussie man here. My thoughts:

    You can’t change your height and your baldness so I would focus on what you can change. You can turn an average build into an above average one by lifting heavy weights, doing some cardio, eating nutritious food, and getting plenty of sleep. This will also naturally lift your confidence.

    Focus on your personality – develop a great sense of humor by practising telling some great jokes and read widely to help develop your conversation skills. Be confident and relaxed.

    I have written a post on how to build confidence and a post on how to approach a woman in any situation (which may help you).

    A man is not designed for comfort. Keep on grinding away and building your social skills to attract women. All men face rejection and so you have to learn from it.

    I hope this helps you.

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