Dramatic title but I’m driving 7hrs, sleeping and driving back the next day from Nottingham to Cornwall, I’ve passed my test 3 months ago and have only been on a motorway for an hour.

What do you say my odds are?

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  2. Take at least 3 coffee breaks and you’ll be fine. It’s all motorway so the worst problem is getting bored and losing focus. If that happens pull onto the next services.

  3. You’ll be fine! Setup a playlist, take at least two breaks, drink plenty of water and don’t drive if you’re tired. Also, stick to the speed limit! It’s extremely tempting if the motorway is quiet to get a heavy foot. Easiest way to get points.

  4. If you’ve not done a long journey before I’d just advise you take tiredness seriously. If you find your eyes getting heavy at all then stop at the next services, get out and stretch your legs, maybe have a quick nap to break the sleep pressure and get some some caffeine in.

    Other than that you’ll be fine. Good play list. Audio books. Podcast. Have a few options to switch between.

  5. If you’re staying overnight for a party etc. don’t drink too much. Alcohol can affect more than you think, way into the next day.

  6. Stay out of the outside lane unless absolutely necessary, stop for 30 minutes every couple hours and get out of the car to walk around for a few minutes when you do (BTW I mean stop at service stations or towns on the way not the hard shoulder, unless you are falling asleep).

    Also watch your speed, especially when listening to fast music, it can be easy to find yourself unconsciously accelerating. When coming back, remember that it is entirely possible to still be under the influence of whatever “help” you may have had to have a good time (assuming your trip is for a social event and you are young enough to still be finding your limits). A few hours sleep on someone’s floor or sofa is not a magical detox, I speak from experience.

  7. Short answer, yes.

    Long answer, yes, but probably not for a long time if you’re a sensible driver.

  8. The instant you notice yourself loosing focus because you are tired, take a coffee break at the next opportunity.

    After 3 hours, take a break anyway.

    Tired, lossing focus and nodding for a second can kill you.

  9. Why do people drive 7 hours? Just take the train. This is not America, you don’t have to do this. It’s probably only 4 hours by train as well.

  10. Many parts of Cornwall itself have very narrow roads with a lot of blind corners. Drive extra carefully, because a lot of other visitors generally don’t.

  11. As long as you don’t feel super nervous driving, you’ll do fine 🙂 Just make sure to sleep well before you drive, plan for an 8-9 hour drive rather than 7, as traffic can be a bitch. If possible, depending on where you live/where you’re destination is, consider the best time to leave (e.g. if you live in the middle of nowhere; little traffic, leave at maybe 8am, so you’re just missing rush hour as you get to your destination)


    5 months after passing my test, I was driving across half of Europe. Nerve wracking at first, but as long as you feel comfortable driving your car (yes, you’ll stall it occasionally, take more time than other drivers, etc. but nothing that could happen to any other driver) then you’ll do fine.

    The one thing that roadtrip taught me, always fuel up when you have a chance. We found ourselves driving back through France when their fuel refineries were all on strike, so no petrol station had any diesel. Got back into the UK with just under 1/4 of a tank luckily – but that wasn’t a fun experience. It shouldn’t be a problem from Cornwall to Nottingham, but as it’s all motorway driving you’ll be paying a premium for fuel, so definitely fill up before you hit the motorway.

  12. Wake up at 3am and start driving then, you will miss all of the traffic and find the drive easy.

    Just make sure if you feel tired you stop and rest, drink plenty of water etc.

  13. Normally I’d suggest that’s quite intense, but doable depending on the person.

    But currently there’s a weather warning for snow and ice in the south so I’d really not recommend it at all.

  14. I’ve been driving 13 years and I’ve still never driven longer than 2 hours – so yes, you’re going to die.

  15. Fairly straightforward, get to the M5 and keep going, then keep going again. Lots of places to stop for a break, nothing too complicated.

  16. Notts to Falmouth should only take around 5 hours. But I do wonder why you are undertaking such a journey if you aren’t that comfortable driving yet? How did the hour you drove on the motorway feel?

    Just stay alert, take your time and keep off your phone…too many idiots can’t stay off their phones when driving and it can cause deadly accidents. Make sure you stop at services if you feel the need for a break, or you need to check your phone messages. The biggest problem with any long driving journey is staying alert

  17. The first time I drove anywhere after passing my test was from Norfolk to Southampton, around 3 hours, mostly motorway. You’ll be alright once you get going, but as others have said, take breaks, don’t go too fast, and I’d like to add to keep a big gap between you and the car in front.

  18. I’d say the bit around Birmingham will probably stress you the most, but once you’re on the M5, it’s very easy boring driving.

    Take some time to stop at the Gloucester Services. It’s a bit crazy to recommend a motorway services station, but honestly it’s very nice. Food is really decent too.

  19. 2 hours driving will probably be too much on this first drive. Try an hour, plan your stops. You probs won’t need a coffee at each, just a break, a stretch, check socials.
    Stay in the first 2 lanes,. Take care

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