Why is it that my pussy is an innie sometimes (like completely hidden behind my outer lips) and then other times the inner lips are extending like an inch out? I know that both types are common but is it common for the same woman to have both types and for some
mysterious reason it just varies?

  1. Arousal engorges the vulva. When my wife is aroused her clit swells, spreads her outer lips and becomes visible. It’s quite an obvious change.

  2. Idk this sounds fun. Is it when you’re aroused? Yay you! You have a multi-faceted pussy! 🙂

  3. It’s because when there is more blood flow to the vagina, either because of hormones or arousal, things swell. It’s completely normal. 🖤

  4. My partner is the same way. When she’s aroused it starts peeking out, and when she’s really horny, it’s in full bloom. Before we get started, it’s a tight little clam

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