I’m a 22 year old dude with a girlfriend of five years. I’m just a little overwhelmed by everything and I need to do something for myself.

  1. I love grabbing my fishing rod and having a nice beer while fishing. I don’t even need to be catching anything, just sitting by some water where no one else is and just enjoying some time away from everything.

    Edit: 26m

  2. Hiking is always a go-to for me when I need to just get away from everything and everyone. Bonus that it’s great exercise and fresh air

  3. Solo camping. If you don’t have camp equipment pack a day pack, water, food and throw some blankets in your car drive somewhere remote spend the day with yourself and just sleep in your car.

    For my first cross country car camping trip I was poorly prepared but it was an amazing time.

  4. If you really need something to fill up your time and thoughts take up golf. It may be more frustrating than relaxing at first though if you’ve never played lol

  5. I used to play ruby with the lads and enjoy the social side. It was a great release.

    Three snapped Achilles later and im happier than ever painting models in the evening. Never in a million years would have seen that coming.

    My dad 100% does this with golf

  6. My go to is to head out camping for a few days to a week.
    If you don’t have the gear, maybe head out for a relaxing hike. Just get away from everyone for a bit.

  7. I go to a movie by myself. I don’t know anything about the movie except the genre and rotten tomatoes score.

  8. Anything involving the great outdoors. I go camping. I’ll hike into the woods for 2 or 3 days. I take a journal with me, a whittling kit, a pipe and just relax, man.

  9. So many options. As someone else said, go fishing. Go for a walk in a park. After a particularly bad rescue call (volunteer firefighter) a couple years ago, I stopped at a liquor store, bought a couple tallboys, drove out to some state hunting ground and sat on the tailgate in the parking lot for two hours sipping on my beers. Not advocating using alcohol to self medicate the world away – it was just something to do while I sat there.

    Sometimes, repetitive, detail-focused tasks — I used to do a lot of target shooting – largely for relaxation. But then, I also reloaded my own rounds. Sitting in the garage each night, carefully measuring out the powder charge for each round, seating the lead bullets, etc. — that insanely repetitive task that still required careful attention to detail, somehow was incredibly relaxing for me.

    Likewise, model building, or if you’re a fisherman, take up fly fishing and fly tying. (or lure making for ‘regular’ fishing). Something that requires you to focus intensely on the task at hand and allows you to forget about the world.

  10. Identifying the stressor might be good to know. Depending on the cause of the stress the suggestions would need to be modified.

    If it is work then there are things you can do to remedy that. As your coworkers if there are tasks that they dislike that you can do and if they would be willing to trade tasks for those you dislike.

    If it’s a coworker that is the issue then trying to find a solution might be tricky. Minimize your exposure to the person, keep communication professional and possibly with a medium like email where it is written down, etc. If you need to do a shared task, just complete the job then move on to something else. If they are unwilling to work with you then approach management to replace the task with someone else.

    If your partner is causing you stress then that might be something to bring up. Men do value peace and if your g/f isn’t giving you that calm energy chances are they won’t in the future.

    Look for ways to destress, like an exercise, sex, watching movies, going for a walk, a car drive, etc. Find something you are passionate about.

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