I don’t know if its just me but me being a virgin. I’m about to date this girl who’s had sex and done sexual stuff Alr. I don’t know if its right to feel conflicted because i haven’t done anything and I’m getting with a girl who has. Basically my question is if its ok to feel conflicted ahout this

  1. It’s fine, don’t worry about it. Just let her know that she is your first. And it will be ok.

  2. Fighting feelings is like fighting the wind. All emotions are valid simply via there existence. Your feelings of conflict/fear/concern are fine and valid.

    The mastery is in not letting our emotions shape our actions unless they have a good/valid point.

  3. I’m a F and I have had 3 bfs that were virgins when we got together and 2 that were not. In no way was there a difference in preformance. If anything I kind of liked the thought of it being their first that meant that I was a little special and memrable, thats hot. You can sleeo with a man that has had sex with 50 girls and it still feeks like they have no idea what they are doing or even care if they are doing it right for the girl. Just communicate with her ask her what she is into before you go into it and then just have fun with it. It’s not as big of a deal as it seems to someone who hasn’t done it yet.

  4. M here: I think you being open with her about it, was the best way to handle it.

    Don’t let yourself be fooled into believing, there’s some kind of ‘standard’ performance you have to fulfill. There isn’t. Everbody’s individual and what works for a friend or a cousin might entirely fail for you.

    So rely on one person only, to tell you what’s good and what’s not – your partner – her.

    You have to make your own experience and find your own way – that’s not always easy, but it’s what makes sex magical.

    Forget everything you saw in porn. Men bragging about satisfying every woman, women sceaming in joy – that’s idealized bullshit. You have to know each other or you have to find out about the other really fast, otherwise great sex is always just coincidence. Of course: experience helps a lot. But you told her and she’s ok with it; so you can be, too.

  5. It’s normal to be stressed but don’t worry about it. First time with someone new can always be awkward even if you have experience and you need to learn again what they like.

    It’s perfectly normal to be with a women with more experience then you, I’ve never been with a women with a lower “body count” then me. ( So they all slept with more then 15 men) it’s actually great cause she knows what she likes.

    I’d avoid talking about it with other peoples. They might give you stupid advices, especially men. The only one who can really help is your girlfriend. Just communicate openly with her.

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