I’ve never been a nightlife guy I’ve always been a morning person because I’ve always had a job sense I was 14. Ever sense I graduated from college it’s been slowly getting harder to meet women. Does anyone have advice for where to meet and approach women during the day? And what is a good way to approach with out looking like a creep?

  1. Most people are so wrapped up in their day that a cold approach can be a bit jarring.

    instead I’d suggest meeting new people is at social events, such as exercise classes/clubs, reading groups, volunteer work, etc. At social events, other people will expect to talk with you, instead of you approaching out of the blue, so it’s less likely you’ll come off as creepy. You can also make new friends at social events too, so it’s a win-win.

  2. Tinder, nightclubs and stuff like that is the best way tbh.

    Just be ready for rejection

  3. Never approach people when they’re walking. You’re just gonna look like a twat or a sleazy salesman. It makes sense for them to just immediately reject you so they don’t have to deal with the hastle.

    If you’re gonna cold approach you need to be in the same situation where you aren’t busy with anything. On a bus, in a park, at a class etc.

    Then just try to start a convo and expect nothing of it. Just talk for the sake of it. If chemistry is there then it’s there. Obviously don’t try to force a conversation, it never goes well. If someone doesn’t want to talk forcing it won’t change that.
    Last thing, Be confident about it.
    That’s the difference between you being the chatty guy who just likes to talk or the creepy guy who is nervously approaching women.

    Also, try to do this with people in general, not just women. Nothing beats practice, the more you talk to strangers the better and more confident you’ll be at it.

    As a side note, your appearance really matters. When you first make a sound at these people, they’re gonna see you, your clothes, your facial expression and make a snap judgement on whether you’re someone they should talk to. So dress well, groom yourself and smile. Just don’t over do it. Good luck

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