It doesn’t bother me as much as it used to (well maybe not sice I’m posting about it), but just today our math league group went to the mall to get some lunch before the meet. I went over to Chic-Fil-A as Inwas planning, and I simply say “Hi, can I get the number 1 with a large Sprite, please?” She gives me a look like I’m dumb as fuck and says “What’s that sweetheart?” “A number 1 with a Sprite please.” still with a smile on my face. “With a what?” with the same look “A sprite.” smile is gone. “Ok that will be 10.84. Would you like any sauces?” “Yes please, how about two Chic-Fil-A sauces?” “What sauces would you like?” same look on her face. At this point I just tried to get out of there as quick as possible because I hate being talked to like I’m a dumbass. Maybe I’m just iverthinking it, but I seldom have a normal experience anywhere. Granted I don’t have many opportunities to practice as much as I’d like, but I’m just so used to it at this point. So dumb.

Anyone else have the same experience?

1 comment
  1. At the Chick-Fil-A I work at talking to a guest like that would get the cashier written up.

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